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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rbk sticks

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im about to buy a new stick and im thinking about trying rbk

has anyone used the new 6k? or 7 snake grip

and hows the durability

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im about to buy a new stick and im thinking about trying rbk

has anyone used the new 6k? or 7 snake grip

and hows the durability

i don tlike the feel of the rbk 6 and 7k i had a 6k and i tried my buddy 7k out i personaly dont like them...IMO

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sniper did you have the green 6k


nope..just the regular one i wasthinking about trying the green one bt if its anything like the normal 6k i wont like it..

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It's the same manufactur for CCM or RBK, so they make shoes and sticks...

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It's the same manufactur for CCM or RBK, so they make shoes and sticks...

I was under the impression that only some of the new sticks were made in Mexico.

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It's sure that they aren't all made in the same place, I was just making the point that not trusting RBK cause it's mainly a shoe company isn't really a good point if you think that all the products are developed by THC.

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i dont trust RBK they make shoes not hockey sticks but i guess it would be very simlar to a CCM made stick

Yeah totally! Nike or Easton are WAAAYYY better sticks because they are made by companies that got started making hockey sticks and other hockey gear.

Wait a minute.... you played an aweful trick on me devilsrule


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It's sure that they aren't all made in the same place, I was just making the point that not trusting RBK cause it's mainly a shoe company isn't really a good point if you think that all the products are developed by THC.

The CCM shafts and OPS have traditionally been pretty poor in performance, though the V130/10.0 seem to be an improvement. It's not like the company has a long history of great composite products.

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It's sure that they aren't all made in the same place, I was just making the point that not trusting RBK cause it's mainly a shoe company isn't really a good point if you think that all the products are developed by THC.

The CCM shafts and OPS have traditionally been pretty poor in performance, though the V130/10.0 seem to be an improvement. It's not like the company has a long history of great composite products.

but wasnt the V110 a tank though? ive heard they have outstanding durability

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It's sure that they aren't all made in the same place, I was just making the point that not trusting RBK cause it's mainly a shoe company isn't really a good point if you think that all the products are developed by THC.

The CCM shafts and OPS have traditionally been pretty poor in performance, though the V130/10.0 seem to be an improvement. It's not like the company has a long history of great composite products.

but wasnt the V110 a tank though? ive heard they have outstanding durability

Yeah the shafts lasted forever but I'd rather have a better performing shaft last a little less time. The blades got soft pretty quickly though.

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I had a 7k Reg flex Datsyuk curve that lasted a long time, well at least a long time for me anyways.I thought it was one of the better performing OPS out there.I would recommend it from my experience, and if I had to compare it to another OPS it would be the old KOHO 4490, the Datsyuk curve even looks like the jagr used to.

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