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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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blisters on ankles...

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my ankles get blisters most of the time (not always though)

is there a product that u can recommend... that can cover the bone...

something that will reduce the friction in that area?


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your skates don't fit!

I would have to agree. Proper fitting skates would mean that your ankles don't move around in them.

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your skates don't fit!

I would have to agree. Proper fitting skates would mean that your ankles don't move around in them.


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If you have one single trouble spot you may be able to take them to your LHS and get them "punched out," meaning they'll put them on a device that will stretch them a little in the area where they rub on your ankle.

Just be careful how much you have done because once they're stretched I'm pretty sure they can't be shrunk back.

I had to have this done on an old pair of Bauers. I got pretty severe blisters and just couldn't get them to break in. After they were punched out the didn't rub anymore in that one spot.

Hope this helps.


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my ankles get blisters most of the time (not always though)

is there a product that u can recommend... that can cover the bone...

something that will reduce the friction in that area?


Prime example of why you should be properly fitted before you purchase a set of skates :lol:

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my ankles get blisters most of the time (not always though)

is there a product that u can recommend... that can cover the bone...

something that will reduce the friction in that area?


Prime example of why you should be properly fitted before you purchase a set of skates :lol:

It's hard when you live in a place (Philippines) that has no LHS whatsoever. Maybe just add more padding around that area or tape the part of your ankle that causes friction w/ the boot?

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Yea.. I guess you're right.. I actually spent 2 years in the Philippines and didn't even see ice (unless you count megamall) muchless hockey equipment. What part are you from?

I would try thicker socks or like Andoy said, some extra padding.

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i don't know where but i recall a sleeve for your ankles for this very reason. I dont know where I saw them but they looked like larger slash guards that just slipped on over the foot. I'll let you know if I see them.

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my ankles get blisters most of the time (not always though)

is there a product that u can recommend... that can cover the bone...

something that will reduce the friction in that area?


Prime example of why you should be properly fitted before you purchase a set of skates :lol:

It's hard when you live in a place (Philippines) that has no LHS whatsoever. Maybe just add more padding around that area or tape the part of your ankle that causes friction w/ the boot?

yup! i agree!

skating in the philippines is quite a problem... not bcoz of the rinks...

but bcoz there are no shops here that sell stuff...

ive got to buy online... so there is a big chance that it wont fit perfectly...

(shipping fees are..... wow!!!)

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i was thinking of putting in neoprene ankle supports... i dunno though if i would have enough flex after that...

hehehe! ill try it this weekend

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i was thinking of putting in neoprene ankle supports... i dunno though if i would have enough flex after that...

hehehe! ill try it this weekend

it should work. although if you can you should really try to get some proper fitting skates...that'll only serve as a temporary fix.

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It's not necessarily a bad fit. After a long summer the skates are dried out and stiff, and the feet have lost their callouses. I always tend to blister the first month.

I make my kids wear duct tape every fall, every school, and for every new pair of skates. I do the same. 100% prevention!


Some will argue against it, but for an hour of skating, nothing is better. If you already have a blister, bandage it first then duct tape it. The stuff will not come off where every otc remedy I've tried does in no time.

One other product I'd suggest is a pad called an IV3000 made by smith&nephew. It's used by insulin pumping diabetics to protect the IV site during swimming and bathing. I haven't tried em yet, but I'd bet money they are better than duct tape. Dunno price, but they come in a box of 100. I'd guess they are pricey.

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