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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Awesome prank

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I would be pissed beyond belief if that happened to me.. I would seriously drop my jogging gloves on the camera man and open a can of Bertuzi on them... I carry my cellphone with me (not a cheap one either).. if that was ruined, I would toss their camera in.

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LOL i had to replay it becuase i though one of the women was topless! :P

Also the first guy on the bike screams pretty quickly (maybe he knew)

A lot of them must be staged. You can see the one guy jumps in to the water as if he knows it's coming.

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I would be pissed beyond belief if that happened to me.. I would seriously drop my jogging gloves on the camera man and open a can of Bertuzi on them... I carry my cellphone with me (not a cheap one either).. if that was ruined, I would toss their camera in.

I second that! I usually have my iPod with me when I run, so I'd have to beat the $300 out of them :angry: On a side note, afew of those girls were pretty hot!

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