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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How fast goes your slapshot

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but some of you guys are saying that you shot in your backyard and get your shot clocked. Some of you have gotten it clocked at the ice rink while skating. Even though everyone here can definetely skate......I hope...... ;) ....wouldnt you have a harder shot just shooting in your backyard? In your backyard your on your own 2 feet and have PERFECT balance. Even though while on skates you should still have incredible balance, you still have skates on which might get in the way of the shot a little. Just a thought, i dunno if its correct or not.

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I had my shot clocked with an inline puck at 88MPH but that was a couple of years ago. Never had it clocked on ice.

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wouldnt you have a harder shot just shooting in your backyard? In your backyard your on your own 2 feet and have PERFECT balance.

I feel the opposite... I feel like not having skates on takes away from my technique, my center of gravity isn't the same, neither is the leverage. The 101 I got with a ball was in tennis shoes and on a rubber mat and I didn't feel very comfortable at all... not to mention you didn't get a running start or anything..

I actually wasn't the hardest shot there either, another kid who was about 19-20 actually hit 108mph :ph34r:

but like I've said before, most everyone here can outskate me, so it's all for not ;)

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The closest I've come to having my slap shot clocked was with the Rapid Shots lanes. Unfortunately I was asked to not take any slap shots where I went (I hope that changes soon). <_< I was left taking wristers because I couldn't get my snap shot to hit any of the 4 corners consistently, and not hitting the target means no speed measurement. I wasn't paying close attention to the speeds because the pucks were coming every 4 seconds or less, but I saw low to mid 60's, not sure if that was mph or kph... likely kph knowing my wrist shots. Now if you can hit the 4 corners that are chosen randomly with pucks coming every few seconds, there's an accomplishment. It was a pretty humbling experience to say the least.

Regarding shooting on ice: I also feel more comfortable shooting on ice. My weight transfer and balance are better because I don't feel like I'm about to fall over once I've taken my shot. That forward motion helps to keep me upright better compared to shooting on shoes/pavement.

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but some of you guys are saying that you shot in your backyard and get your shot clocked. Some of you have gotten it clocked at the ice rink while skating. Even though everyone here can definetely skate......I hope...... ;) ....wouldnt you have a harder shot just shooting in your backyard? In your backyard your on your own 2 feet and have PERFECT balance. Even though while on skates you should still have incredible balance, you still have skates on which might get in the way of the shot a little. Just a thought, i dunno if its correct or not.

Mine was in the backyard,

I bought a radar from astro products

I think I could shot faster on ice...

I'll try it this winter or maybe this summer if I have the time.

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nice JR......83 hey thats 1 more than 82 :D

I think 63 is pretty good for a 14 year old , what u guys think....

i would say taht 63 is repectable, i haven't measured mine yet so i have no idea of what an 63 mph slap shot looks or feels like, but i know some 14 yr old kids that have pretty fast slapshots.... one guy i was talking to had a 78 mph shot, which is pretty fast :ph34r: , and i know two other people who have their shots in the 70 mph club

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nice JR......83 hey thats 1 more than 82 :D

I think 63 is pretty good for a 14 year old , what u guys think....

i would say taht 63 is repectable, i haven't measured mine yet so i have no idea of what an 63 mph slap shot looks or feels like, but i know some 14 yr old kids that have pretty fast slapshots.... one guy i was talking to had a 78 mph shot, which is pretty fast :blink: , and i know two other people who have their shots in the 70 mph club

You are pretty much correct. When I brought my radar gun to my son's bantam team ice hockey practices, the hardest shots were in the high sixties, with quite a few in the 30's, 40's and 50's. My son's best shot(73) actually came in practice in our driveway, shooting an ice puck off of a smooth wooden plywood sheet we used. He could not duplicate it on ice....I think 66 mph was his best on skates. At least at a younger age, it is still hard to get the same leverage on ice as you can get in shoes standing on a high friction surface. This maybe true even as you get older.

Do not know if you remember a few years back when Bobby Hull was a guest at the skills competition(at age 57) and while standing in shoes (maybe on a carpet over the ice) drilled one shot clocked at 116 mph, and a second one which missed the net but broke the glass.

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With my 50 Synergy... I did 85 KPH, not sure what that is in MPH. I won the hardest shot thought for the thing I was in. Oh ya, I'm 13.

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I only had my shot clocked once and that was when I was 13. I was at some skills competition and I remember my 3 shots were: 59, 60, and 63 mph. Now I'm almost 18 and I'm pretty sure that it's around the 80 m.p.h. range. One thing that I have really worked on over the years is getting my slaper off quickly and I would have to say that I get my slapper off quicker than just about anybody I've seen. I guess it's just sort of something that I take pride in...

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Has anyone ever tried those radar pucks that you shoot it and then it tells you how fast you shot? I dunno if they work just wondering.

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sorry to disapoint you guys but it was in mph and i know for a fact that was the speed. everybody on his team and the coach witnessed it the coach told me why the hell would he lie about that. hes like our rinks pride and joy for slappers he winds up you better get the hell out of the way. and just because you have a hard shot doesnt mean your going to the nhl. i mean the kid has a rocket shot but he doesnt have great puckhandling or skating. he pretty much is a tank to i believe hes like 6'2 180 pounds or something of the sort hes huge.

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I have never got my slapshot radared but I would guess I shoot in the 50-60 mph range not to fast but I dont take slappers very often during games.

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nice JR......83 hey thats 1 more than 82 :D

I think 63 is pretty good for a 14 year old , what u guys think....

63 is about the average i've seen. I got clocked at 72 with an inline puck, and that wasnt all my force. I'd say i could be around 75-78mph going all out. I've never had my wrister clocked, but i've broken quite a few roller pucks in my backyard from close range.

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Has anyone ever tried those radar pucks that you shoot it and then it tells you how fast you shot? I dunno if they work just wondering.

THey don't.

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Never clocked it but I was told it was about the same speed as the Q, my slapshot was probably my best asset growing up in the hockey world, so I would say about mid 70's or low 80's, with a Synergy Grip 2002.

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a year ago i had mine radored, and it was 40, but this year i think it would be more because i've been practicing in my base ment alot.

I forget who it was, and i forgot to quiote, but how were the kids breaking so many sitcks. every day for abouta n hour i go down in my basement, and nail pucks as hard as i can at the wall, and i have broken a stick lately.

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It was MDE3, and if you're only shooting around 40MPH, then you dont put half as much force on the stick that they did. The sticks could've been defective, flexed too much the wrong way, or simply just hit too much ground/ice.

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sorry to disapoint you guys but it was in mph and i know for a fact that was the speed. everybody on his team and the coach witnessed it the coach told me why the hell would he lie about that. hes like our rinks pride and joy for slappers he winds up you better get the hell out of the way. and just because you have a hard shot doesnt mean your going to the nhl. i mean the kid has a rocket shot but he doesnt have great puckhandling or skating. he pretty much is a tank to i believe hes like 6'2 180 pounds or something of the sort hes huge.

Maybe he does have agreat shot thats his own buisness and I'll never know, but he said his puckhandling skills were at the NHL level. And 6'2, 180 is kind've small around here, at least weight wise.

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sorry to disapoint you guys but it was in mph and i know for a fact that was the speed. everybody on his team and the coach witnessed it the coach told me why the hell would he lie about that. hes like our rinks pride and joy for slappers he winds up you better get the hell out of the way. and just because you have a hard shot doesnt mean your going to the nhl. i mean the kid has a rocket shot but he doesnt have great puckhandling or skating. he pretty much is a tank to i believe hes like 6'2 180 pounds or something of the sort hes huge.

Maybe he does have agreat shot thats his own buisness and I'll never know, but he said his puckhandling skills were at the NHL level. And 6'2, 180 is kind've small around here, at least weight wise.

Is there something in the water?!?!

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Now I'm 19, 63 is pretty good for a 14 year old

Height is above average, weight isn't very "big" for someone 6'2. I'm standing 3" shorter and I'm 10 lbs heavier. The top tier hockey players around here usually stand a little over 200ish at his height.

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