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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ever fired a gun?

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i was in the marine corp. stationed at camp lejune nc. my first mos was 0352(tow missilses) 0321 (recon man) 8541 (sniper). i have also gone to jump school, dive school, advanced free fall school (jump high with O2.. halo,lalo,haho is what is taught there) cqb school, ranger school, along with several others. the reasoning is we had several different types that we used, they wer mission specific.

i also forgot about the browning m-2 .cal, mk-19 (40 mm granade launcher, 81mm mortor(only twice), and several different thing i can't remember what tthey are. but those are the main ones i got to fire

You are the man! :D


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in response to LChockey24 the firsty time in the desert. other than that i can't answer your question. the schools i have been to will answer that.


i was in the marine corp. stationed at camp lejune nc. my first mos was 0352(tow missilses) 0321 (recon man) 8541 (sniper). i have also gone to jump school, dive school, advanced free fall school (jump high with O2.. halo,lalo,haho is what is taught there) cqb school, ranger school, along with several others. the reasoning is we had several different types that we used, they wer mission specific.

i also forgot about the browning m-2 .cal, mk-19 (40 mm granade launcher, 81mm mortor(only twice), and several different thing i can't remember what tthey are. but those are the main ones i got to fire

Wow, that's quite alot. How many years were you in?

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You are the man! :D


no i'm not. the men and women over in iraq and afganstain are.

Very true. Thanks for the calibration...


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i was in the marine corp. stationed at camp lejune nc. my first mos was 0352(tow missilses) 0321 (recon man) 8541 (sniper). i have also gone to jump school, dive school, advanced free fall school (jump high with O2.. halo,lalo,haho is what is taught there) cqb school, ranger school, along with several others. the reasoning is we had several different types that we used, they wer mission specific.

Where did you go for CQB school and what year?

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i was in the marine corp. stationed at camp lejune nc. my first mos was 0352(tow missilses) 0321 (recon man) 8541 (sniper). i have also gone to jump school, dive school, advanced free fall school (jump high with O2.. halo,lalo,haho is what is taught there) cqb school, ranger school, along with several others. the reasoning is we had several different types that we used, they wer mission specific.

Where did you go for CQB school and what year?

little creek, va. in '88.

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Fun as hell to shoot. Flareguns are pretty interesting too. I have awesome accuracy. ;)

How accurate do you need to be with a flare gun?

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Fun as hell to shoot.  Flareguns are pretty interesting too.  I have awesome accuracy. ;)

How accurate do you need to be with a flare gun?

I think he means guns in general. lol

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