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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission/projoy tuxedo jerseys

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Starting a thread to sell these jerseys on MSH is strictly prohibited.  Damn, I can't go on vacation without something coming up.

why? :blink:

It's not his website - he never asked MSH if he could do this.

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Starting a thread to sell these jerseys on MSH is strictly prohibited.  Damn, I can't go on vacation without something coming up.

why? :blink:

It's not his website - he never asked MSH if he could do this.

It's not like he's trying to profit from MSH. He's just trying to help out others who may want the tuxedo jersey just like he does...

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Everything is being done via email, and has been since JR first said it was a no-no. So go to kovalchuk71 for the info.

AKA - Don't post this here. PM kovalchuk71 to get the email.

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These remind me of those Volcom surf tops that have become popular in socal - just like this tuxedo design. Believe me, guys try to wear them at formals and get away with it. I see the same thing happening with these jerseys. Anyone here surf?

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Starting a thread to sell these jerseys on MSH is strictly prohibited.  Damn, I can't go on vacation without something coming up.

why? :ph34r:

It's not his website - he never asked MSH if he could do this.

It's not like he's trying to profit from MSH. He's just trying to help out others who may want the tuxedo jersey just like he does...

I know that.

It's just that people can't just start doing things on a private website without consulting the site owners. It is in the rulebook.

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Before I say anything, I just want to make sure you know I'm not taking any sides here, I'm just playing the devil's advocate.

But to my point, I don't see how this is any different that posting something to sell in the for sale section. It would be different if EBondo or Kovy worked for ProJoy and was trying to sell their product on here, then I could see your point. But I don't see a problem here, other than it is in the wrong forum (should be in the Sell).

Again, I'm just playing the devil's advocate here, so don't take this personally.

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Why is this even being questioned?

Its their site, their rules. MSH is privately funded by them, so whatever they say goes.

Its not that hard to understand.

If you dont like it, leave.

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Well, if we are playing devil's advocate, what if something goes wrong and people get ripped off?

I am not saying that Ebondo and Kovy aren't trustworthy, but we've done these sorts of things before and know of the problems that may arise. I'm not willing to entrust them, or anyone on the site, with that.

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Alright I see where you're going with that. Point taken.

And Thocky, you should chill out. I wasn't complaining about anything, because I don't plan on buying one anyways. Please re-read the first and last paragraphs of my post above.

Also, would it be different if one of the two guys bought the jerseys first, had them in hand, and then sold them in the Sell section? Again, I'm just curious here, so don't attack me ::cough:: Thocky ::cough::

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