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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Removing grip from stick

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the grip on the 6k is way to gripy you can barely move your hands up or down on the shaft

sand paper doesnt work on this thing

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he top layer of paint on the SLs won't be greatly affected by acetone. I used a much harsher chemical (industrial upholstery cleaner) trying to get the paint off of my SL shaft(non grip) It looked horrible because of paint chipping so I removed the paint on the top half of the shaft. The cleaner did nothing to the top layer of paint, which I used the tape method (from previous thread) and a razor blade to get off. It's a lot easier to use the tape method if you crosshatch the top layer of painf with a razor blade after the first few tries. Just be careful not to cut too deep, or the scratches will remain in the shaft. Again, not sure how well this will work in removing the grip, as I just removed the paint on a regular SL.

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i have a 6K Reebok and it is really sticky, what's the best stuff to use for that stick is says PRO FEEL on it. it's to much.....

its way to much

how do you like the stick peter?

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Just gonna bump this up.

I've got a Mission VHex grip that I had earlier this year and eventually broke it. So in the mean time while I had to wait for my warranty replacement I bought a few sticks, both non grip. Now that I have my replacement stick (grip) I'm used to a non grip stick and would like to know a way to make the stick less/not sticky. I know I've read spray paint, but that's my last resort. I'll likely try Acetate aswell, but thought I'd see if there are any knewer ideas out there.

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its very easy:

1). get a giant vat of boiling sulfuric acid

2). remove all tape and plug

3). get some tongs

4). hold stick with tongs @ blade

5). dip stick with tongs into acid for 1/19 of a second

6). use spatula to scrape off excess grip

7). neutralize with baking soda, or other base

8). rinse with water

9). put plug back in, re tape, play hockey

10). if you managed not to melt your arms off during the above, or it sounds like too complex a process. go to your lhs and buy a new stick!

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its very easy:

1). get a giant vat of boiling sulfuric acid

2). remove all tape and plug

3). get some tongs

4). hold stick with tongs @ blade

5). dip stick with tongs into acid for 1/19 of a second

6). use spatula to scrape off excess grip

7). neutralize with baking soda, or other base

8). rinse with water

9). put plug back in, re tape, play hockey

10). if you managed not to melt your arms off during the above, or it sounds like too complex a process. go to your lhs and buy a new stick!

And be sure to report back and let us know how it went! haha

Seriously though, I would go the spray paint route. Maybe you can find spray clear coat or something if you dont want to use paint.

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i took most of the grip off my fuel with a sheet of sand paper. the best way to do it is getting some that isnt too gritty and just keep working at it. just keep rubbing more off until youre happy with what you got. i left just a hint of grip on there cause that how i like it. the sandpaper trick really works though you shouldnt be dissapointed.

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Baby Powder works well but you'll have to apply it often

That's what I was thinking with both baby powder and spray paint.

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its very easy:

1). get a giant vat of boiling sulfuric acid

2). remove all tape and plug

3). get some tongs

4). hold stick with tongs @ blade

5). dip stick with tongs into acid for 1/19 of a second

6). use spatula to scrape off excess grip

7). neutralize with baking soda, or other base

8). rinse with water

9). put plug back in, re tape, play hockey

10). if you managed not to melt your arms off during the above, or it sounds like too complex a process. go to your lhs and buy a new stick!

That's a lot of time and typing to waste without actually offering any help. Way to go.

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I usually work my way down from lightly sanding with course grit sandpaper, to medium grit, to very fine grit. Works real well with those foam sanding blocks that look like a sponge, too.

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I used a wire brush bit, attached to my powerdrill and went at my Vapor XX grip. It took about 5 minutes, and every bit of grip/paint was removed to the point that the stick now is just a naked carbon fiber stick. IMO it looks fantastic as there are no crazy graphics on it, and I love the naked carbon look. Plus the feel of the non-grip stick w/ tape is great. I would have bought a non-grip in the first place, but since they are now discontinued sticks, I take what I can get now.

pt1045_offer.jpg Similar to the far left bit

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like said before baby powder is the best rout. Just keep a bottle in your bag or locker and put it on whenever needed. wont harm the stick or your gloves and not perminant

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bump on an old topic, i just got an Easton S15 grip shaft and was wondering if anyone knows the best way to get the grip off those, I know the older era Eastons had a rubbery grip that was easy to peel/rub off, but this seems much different. Id like to keep the graphics and im not crazy about the baby powder idea. I was thinking maybe nail polish remover but I want to make sure thats safe for the paint job. Thanks guys

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