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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new mission wicked light gloves

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I got a set of the gloves yesterday and they are awesome. Very light and have a very solid feel. No more worries about getting whacked on the hand or taking a puck there!

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I got a set of the gloves yesterday and they are awesome. Very light and have a very solid feel. No more worries about getting whacked on the hand or taking a puck there!


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is this only for roller hockey because i didn't see this in icehockey?

How is the palm?

Hopefully an improvement from the 10000. That palm sucked, no offense Justin. Went to Hell in less than 5 months usage time. My gloves last a year plus.

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I wonder if a real carbon shell (seamed to flex) will be ever be made for a glove. I'm sick of all this "carbon looking polyurethane covering" that all the companies use, hahaha. It's the real deal or no deal now for me to buy new gloves.

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The gloves feel awesome and the palm feels nice. It feels very similar to the M1 palm, maybe a little stronger. I got a pair of gloves bc i play int he pro division at narch. Our entire pro team is getting the new gloves. They come in almost every color imaginable. The ones we got are black and yellow(now which team u think i play on).

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Too bad they're nowhere close to the old Wicked Light, I just loved the 3 fingers and their very loose fit (the only problem for me was the palm being too short on the upper hand, the stick was wearing the piece protecting the wrist). T'was perfect for RH in hot conditions, and the bell-shaped very open cuff quite handy to catch/deflect pucks.

Eager Questions :

How do the new ones behave, temperature-wise ? They seem to be hot (hot like in cold-hot, not hot like in a hot babe, or maybe both).

How is the thumb compared to last year's models ? More open or still very straight like last year ?

Is the cuff more open that last year's He10K ?

Are they still "wicked light" ?

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i like them a lot more than last years model. I let a buddy of mine borrow them tonight bc his equipment got lost on his flight up and he said they were sick. He was the first one to use them at narch and he loved them. This glove is pretty close to perfect, just depends on the brand of gloves you like.

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