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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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just watched the Espy's and after one of the most amazing NHL years in recent memory from what i watched there was not a single award given out to a hockey player. However, ther was a nominee by the name of Alexander Ovechkin for breakthrough athlete. How did alex the greats goal not even make greatest play......has anyone else ever scored a sweeter goal then he did? i'm just wondering thoughts?

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True i guess your right. i just dont understand...being a Canadian i guess and growing up with the game...how college sports get more recognition then hockey.

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just watched the Espy's and after one of the most amazing NHL years in recent memory from what i watched there was not a single award given out to a hockey player. However, ther was a nominee by the name of Alexander Ovechkin for breakthrough athlete. How did alex the greats goal not even make greatest play......has anyone else ever scored a sweeter goal then he did? i'm just wondering thoughts?

ESPN has a contract to broadcast NBA games, so it was natural that Chris Paul (who?) the 43rd best pointgetter in the NBA last year win the breakthrough athlete, not Shaun White with xgames and olympic golds, and not ovechkin who was 3rd in the nhl in scoring as a rookie

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thats one thing i hate about it here in the states.

the main sports are -





Didn't know soccer was bigger then hockey over there, I also thought Indy racing was big over there

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I have never watched more than 5 complete NBA games in my life and wouldn't follow the sport if it didn't have the exposure it does in the Southern Ontario media. However, Ican tell you that Chris Paul was the NBA ROY and is known for his passing abilities, a true NBA PG shouldn't be the top scorer, so he is somewhat deserving and I understand why he won. I voted for AO though.

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Just because ESPN chose not to renew their hockey contract doesn't mean hockey's dying. ESPN is in the business of self promotion and entertainment television - it's kind of like how MTV stopped showing music videos. C'mon, who's actually watching the sh!t they put on the 4-letter network anymore...paintball, dominoes and the hotdog eating contest?

If attendance numbers tell anything, it's that hockey in the US is right where it was - no bigger but no smaller.

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just watched the Espy's and after one of the most amazing NHL years in recent memory from what i watched there was not a single award given out to a hockey player. However, ther was a nominee by the name of Alexander Ovechkin for breakthrough athlete. How did alex the greats goal not even make greatest play......has anyone else ever scored a sweeter goal then he did? i'm just wondering thoughts?

ESPN has a contract to broadcast NBA games, so it was natural that Chris Paul (who?) the 43rd best pointgetter in the NBA last year win the breakthrough athlete, not Shaun White with xgames and olympic golds, and not ovechkin who was 3rd in the nhl in scoring as a rookie

that was the worst one...shaun white is without a question the breakthru athlete of the year in all of sports

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thats one thing i hate about it here in the states.

the main sports are -





Didn't know soccer was bigger then hockey over there, I also thought Indy racing was big over there

no hockey is bigger than soccer

i went to a MetroStars game and only about 150 people were there

go to a Devils game the place is packed

and yeah NASCAR is pretty big too mostly in the southern states not like here in New jersey

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thats one thing i hate about it here in the states.

the main sports are -





Didn't know soccer was bigger then hockey over there, I also thought Indy racing was big over there

no hockey is bigger than soccer

i went to a MetroStars game and only about 150 people were there

go to a Devils game the place is packed

and yeah NASCAR is pretty big too mostly in the southern states not like here in New jersey

i think it just depends on wheere u are at in the us.

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true true like out in LA hockey is crap to tehm and its all about basketball and baseball

or in the mid west its about the NASCAR and up North its more or less hockey

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true true like out in LA hockey is crap to tehm and its all about basketball and baseball

or in the mid west its about the NASCAR and up North its more or less hockey


its sdad though, because i love hockey and its not big here!

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Well, remember, ESPN blew off the NHL at the end of the lockout. Not like they cared too much before, but all of the sports that received awards or had nominees were sports that ESPN covers. I don't suggest that the ESPY's are only for ESPN-broadcast sports, but if I remember correctly, almost every sport covered was an ESPN sport (with the exception of Lance Armstrong and cycling, which is all but exclusive to OLN). I was not surprised that the opening of the show paid short tribute to the retiring legends of the NHL, but I was not surprised at all that hockey barely showed up in the rest of the show. Hockey had been too obscure to be nominated for most categories, and that will remain the same until OLN has more representation or the NHL can woo ESPN back. I wish TSN/NHL Network would be broadcast here in the States, even if it was PPV. I can never get enough of it when I go to Canada.

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But doesn’t it feel like playing a sport that no one really knows anything about makes it more fun? I mean playing for my college team when people find out that our teammates are hockey players we always get new groups of fans out to our games, and most of the people that go to their first live hockey game keep going! I honestly am glad that hockey doesn’t have the exposure that other sports have. All of the whored out sports like football, basketball, baseball are only really in the spotlight because of controversy! I am in all honesty content with loving a sport that gets its fans for the sport itself and not for what the players say to the cameras. Hell! Come on! Be proud of what we are!

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Hockey is definitely bigger than soccer in the states...it is the number 4 sport I'd say. No hockey isn't dying in the states, just on ESPN. Hockey is actually growing a ton as far as participation and interest here in AZ at least. With how the NHL is looking, I see it being very popular in the near future.

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Hockey is definitely bigger than soccer in the states...it is the number 4 sport I'd say. No hockey isn't dying in the states, just on ESPN. Hockey is actually growing a ton as far as participation and interest here in AZ at least. With how the NHL is looking, I see it being very popular in the near future.

Im not so sure about that I just reciently read an artical saying there are 18 million people in the united states that play soccer I dont think hockey is anywhere near those numbers. In the united states hockey does get quite a bit more television coverage than soccer does excluding the world cup.

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in proffesional sports hockey is not a popular as some other sports.

on the youth level hockey is gaining popularity every year but will never be more popular than soccer because of the costs.

The ESPY awards are like MTV's awards. They mean absolutely nothing and were created to increase the networks popularity and income.

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Hockey is definitely bigger than soccer in the states...it is the number 4 sport I'd say. No hockey isn't dying in the states, just on ESPN. Hockey is actually growing a ton as far as participation and interest here in AZ at least. With how the NHL is looking, I see it being very popular in the near future.

illl repeat myself agian........

it depends where you live in the states!

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Yeah, Nascar is huge in the US..Especially in the south.

I found out the #'s a semester ago and needless to say hockey doesn't even come close in the states

hey man i love nascar (and i do happen to live in Virginia). nascar is the largest spectator sport in america. it is easy to find on tv (with over 3/4 races shown on local, or non cable channels). it also has many seats in the stands.

but hockey is still my favorite sport of all.

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seems like people would rather watch hockey than poker... oh well.

when people find out that i (attempt) to play hockey, they are always coming to watch me play.

one reason hockey is not popular here is because it requires two skills. when playing baseball or football, handling the ball is the only skill needed, you have been walking all your life. on the other hand, skating is a prerequisite for hockey, and few kids have the dedication to go that far. the costs are also a big factor.

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Hockey is definitely bigger than soccer in the states...it is the number 4 sport I'd say. No hockey isn't dying in the states, just on ESPN.  Hockey is actually growing a ton as far as participation and interest here in AZ at least.  With how the NHL is looking, I see it being very popular in the near future.

Im not so sure about that I just reciently read an artical saying there are 18 million people in the united states that play soccer I dont think hockey is anywhere near those numbers. In the united states hockey does get quite a bit more television coverage than soccer does excluding the world cup.

EVERYONE plays soccer when they are really young around here. It lasts until about 7 then they quit. If they took statistics of how many youth players there are about age 9 or so + then hockey would win easily imo. And i'm pretty sure 90% of the US has hockey as more popular. Of course there are some places that love soccer, but the country as a whole...

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in proffesional sports hockey is not a popular as some other sports.

on the youth level hockey is gaining popularity every year but will never be more popular than soccer because of the costs.

The ESPY awards are like MTV's awards. They mean absolutely nothing and were created to increase the networks popularity and income.

So true it all is a bunch of bs.But heres one thing i dont get espn hypes up all the espys and than when u see them its the same damn thing every year.Lebron James gets 2 espys and so on.

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