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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy ST

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the grip does not peel quickly ive had one for a year and no grip has fallen off yet

but yes by far the toughest son of b i ever used and the best stick i have ever owned, used, seen

i highly, HIGHLY recommend you get one

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Hows the preformance compare to other sticks such as the SL I dont break sticks easily and am curious which im better of getting

Only stick i have ever broken was an XX original and thats because someone fell on it

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Its a nice stick, but if you're used to using a superlight stick (i dont mean the SL specifically) it does seem a bit on the heavy side, especially in the blade but im assuming thats due to the extra bridging.

If you're not hard on sticks and have the money my suggestion would be invest in an SL or a Stealth CNT. I love both sticks, but I too am not hard on sticks.

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  hockeyhair91 said:
Its a nice stick, but if you're used to using a superlight stick (i dont mean the SL specifically) it does seem a bit on the heavy side, especially in the blade but im assuming thats due to the extra bridging.

If you're not hard on sticks and have the money my suggestion would be invest in an SL or a Stealth CNT. I love both sticks, but I too am not hard on sticks.

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funny three-four years ago this would've been the lightest stick....

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I think where the SL suck is on the blade, I have 5 SL shaft(when i see a good deal i buy them,make provision!) All was broken at the blade so converted into shaft.

And in 1 years I only broke one due to a nasty slashing, I play contact league so these is a lot of cheap shot and nasty shit like big slashing.

I think broking one shaft in one years playing 3x times a week is pretty good.

I would suggest the SL.

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if you would really like to have an extra 20 grams off of your stick go for the st

but the st is a great stick but 20 grams heavier

i think if you want a stick with performance that will last you a long time go for the st

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It's a mediocre stick at best. I bought it when it first came out and I haven't used it much at all, I prefer my Synthesis and R2Xn10 over it.

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Maybe it is mediocre because you don't like the blade? I mean the synthesis shaft is the same as the ST! I'm sure if you use a TPS blade in the synthesis it will be different!

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I've used several OPS before going back to shafts. Then I decided to give OPS another try and the ST is worth it. I do alot of stickwork on my own end and it's seen it's share of knocks but it's holding up pretty well. 460 grams is still pretty light!

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update: my ST snapped right at the hosel area. this only after 2 months of use! excellent peformance though

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  cobrAA said:
Maybe it is mediocre because you don't like the blade? I mean the synthesis shaft is the same as the ST! I'm sure if you use a TPS blade in the synthesis it will be different!
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That's the plus with a synthesis, you can jump around with blades. It doesn't matter if it's the blade or shaft that makes the ST crap in that posters mind, he has found a better option for himself.

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