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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hollow ?

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what will different hollows do for your skating?

im used to a 1/2" hollow thats all i know

what will a 5/8" do or a 7/16" do

this might sound stuiped but i just want to experiment a bit

ps i checked the search engine

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7/16ths is sharper

5/8ths is shallower

the sharper you go the better you can turn but the slower you go because you dig into the ice more.

You need to find a balance where you can go as shallow as possible but maintin the edge when turning with out feeling like your falling.

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7/16ths is sharper

5/8ths is shallower

the sharper you go the better you can turn but the slower you go because you dig into the ice more.

You need to find a balance where you can go as shallow as possible but maintin the edge when turning with out feeling like your falling.

you got them backwards.. 7/16ths is a shallow hollow (usually used if you want more out of your stride or are a bigger guy who uses more weight to dig into the ice)

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7/16ths is sharper

5/8ths is shallower

the sharper you go the better you can turn but the slower you go because you dig into the ice more.

You need to find a balance where you can go as shallow as possible but maintin the edge when turning with out feeling like your falling.

you got them backwards.. 7/16ths is a shallow hollow (usually used if you want more out of your stride or are a bigger guy who uses more weight to dig into the ice)

Ummmm no I dont i teach it for a living...


Take a read on this its the best one out there and I used to wrk with his assisstant at the Toronto Road Runners.

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just remember that 1" is dull and 1/4" is sharper, anything that falls inbetween follows the same pattern.

Picture a ball that is 1" wide cutting your blade, now picture a ball that is 1/4" wide cutting your blade... which would be sharper?

answer = obviously the 1/4"

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After experimenting here in the UK, i sharpen skates to 3/8" unless they want anything else.

I found with the 1/2" people were complaining that it wasnt sharp enough! (Not suprised due to the ice been crap, and like a corrigated iron sheet - Mention Whitley Bay to any UK hockey player and they will tell you)!

I know most people think that this is too sharp, but it seems to work for them and they are happy with it!

I got a guy who gets a 5/16" each and every week, and he loves it! To me thats going to crazy, but that is what he wants!

I think any where between 1/2" and 3/8" is a good hollow, just depends on your style of play!

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i tried the 5/8" and it was great.

i could notice i was a gliding slightly longer

it took a couple minuetes to get used to but it works great.

im gonna stick with 5/8"

thanks for your help

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just remember that 1" is dull and 1/4" is sharper, anything that falls inbetween follows the same pattern.

Picture a ball that is 1" wide cutting your blade, now picture a ball that is 1/4" wide cutting your blade... which would be sharper?

answer = obviously the 1/4"

A minor point. 1" is just as "sharp" as 1/4". They will both cut you the same. The difference is, the bite angle of the 1/4" edges is more direct into the ice so it "feels" sharper than the 1", but both skates still have sharp edges. Changing the hollow adjusts the bite angle, has nothing to do with sharpness.

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Normally, when you are on the light side, you should use a deeper hollow. Guys, don't confuse everything.

I'm on the light side, but i actually find myself skating better with a shallower hollow, i'd say its pp

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