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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What year did mission stop fitting like your

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As I opined in another thread, my only options for skates at my LHS are bauer, CCM and reebok. the S400 missions are priced pretty good online now.

Did they fit like street shoes, or if I wear a 12.5-13 dress shoe, what size should I order.

Thank you

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I'm not sure but I think it varies a bit. I had S-300s in size 10 and i got a sz. 10.5 in the 95 ags a tad bigger but i wear a 10.5 shoe. I'm just saying i dont know if im right but that goes for me.

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  hockeytim18 said:
I'm not sure but I think it varies a bit. I had S-300s in size 10 and i got a sz. 10.5 in the 95 ags a tad bigger but i wear a 10.5 shoe. I'm just saying i dont know if im right but that goes for me.
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My son wears a size 12 mens and we just got him Fuel AG 110's size 12. More or less same as shoe size.

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  hockeytim18 said:
I'm not sure but I think it varies a bit. I had S-300s in size 10 and i got a sz. 10.5 in the 95 ags a tad bigger but i wear a 10.5 shoe. I'm just saying i dont know if im right but that goes for me.
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A size 10 in the AG is bigger than the 10 in the S.

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I am not looking at the AG or such, I am looking at an older model, to try the boot, when its cheap now, and my lhs doesn't carry it.

If I have a 12.5/13 shoe size, what would be the most likely to fit me, specifically in the s-300 or s-400,


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In my experience from trying on the S500s I don't think they fit like shoe size if you want them nice and snug with your toes just feathering the end. They're about a half size up from Bauer Vapor XX, one size up from CCM Vectors and about the same in length as KOR skates. Overall they had a pretty narrow fit and I needed a EE just to get them on my wide feet.

If you have a pair of skates that fit well I think that's a better starting point than shoe size alone, but I wear a 10E dress shoe, 10 sandals and usually 10.5 running shoes. I could fit into an 8.5EE S500, but that was a very snug fit. I currently wear size 8.5 KOR Shit 1s. I know from trying on skates I could also fit into a Bauer Vapor 8EE and a CCM Vector 7.5E. Everyone's feet are different and people wear their street shoes differently (I like about a cm of room at the end of my running shoes). However, based on my experiences I'd say you'd take about a size 11 in the S300 or S400, but those could be the right length, but not the right width or arch ect. so it'd still be pretty dangerous ordering them online without trying on a boot.

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from shoe size 11 and up, I have found that most people fit 1/2 - 1 full size below...Depending upon how they like the fit.

Most guys in our office are 9.5-10 shoe and we all skate in 8.5 (i.e our sample size)

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13E might be too big.

When in doubt (with any manufacturer's sizing) go by the blade size. Figure out if you are on the small or large end of the blade size. For instance, I am on the small end of a 296mm blade. Right there I know I am either a 10.5 NBH (11 old Bauer), a 10.5 CCM, 11 Graf and 11.5 Mission.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
13E might be too big.

When in doubt (with any manufacturer's sizing) go by the blade size. Figure out if you are on the small or large end of the blade size. For instance, I am on the small end of a 296mm blade. Right there I know I am either a 10.5 NBH (11 old Bauer), a 10.5 CCM, 11 Graf and 11.5 Mission.

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How do I do that?

I can't try the boots on so my only option is online, and I am not good enough/smart enough to know the blade sizes, is there some sort of formula I can use or is it something you either know or don't?

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If length is all that you need to know, you could measure your foot then convert to mm.

I measured my foot right now which is approx. 11.5 in. Multiply that by 25.4 and you get 292 mm. From experience I know that 288 mm would be a very tight fit, so there you go.

OR - just look at your old skates and match the blade size.

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I can't find anything on the steel with a size, but on the actual prolite holders, it has 304 stamped into each one.

Is that my blade size, and if so, what would be a good length for me. I pretty much know I am E or EE where available, but its the lengths that get me.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
If length is all that you need to know, you could measure your foot then convert to mm.

I measured my foot right now which is approx. 11.5 in. Multiply that by 25.4 and you get 292 mm. From experience I know that 288 mm would be a very tight fit, so there you go.

OR - just look at your old skates and match the blade size.

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Sorry for bumping this topic again. I measured my feet last night, both are 11.5 inches in length, which seems to be the same as you JR, yet you say you are 10.5 in CCM, where I am wearing 11.5.

Now, my skates feel fine on, but does it sound like I am maybe skating in something too big. When I bought them, they guys at the shop basically asked what size shoe I wore, then told me to try on this size, and they felt fine.

I am now wondering did they just fit me quick because I was buying cheap skates, and looked like I didn't know my arse from my elbow as I was a complete beginner?

This site has taught me a lot, but I am still only starting (less than a year at the sport).

So, should I go somewhere else and maybe get properly fitted?

The LHS in this area are not big and don't have a great selection. I am thinking maybe a road trip (within a couple of hours, in a car) to somewhere that can fit me properly that has a range of skates, not top end,just mid range, like CCM 892, Bauer vapor, Mission S-300 or such.

Sorry, just confused now after measuring, if my skates should fit tighter, will it help my skating development?

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I have Pure Fly's and tried S500's. I'd say the 500's fit about a 1/2 size bigger than the Fly's. They're also deeper and wider overall.

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I wear Mission L7 in size 9.5D. I wear size 11 shoes in Nike, New Balance, and Dexter. A tad loose, but 10.5's kill my feet just to put them on.

For comparison, the perfect fitting Bauer was a Vapor XXX 9D.

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