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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Trying to help a brotha out

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"After sending my skates away, Jr determined that the sensor didnt fit because the boot has too much "curve" (Synergy 1500c's). What chassis are more "curved to fit on a boot? Would a red star work? I assume the sensor didnt work because it was more of a "flat chassis with the 76 and the 2 80s. PLEASE HELP, I NEED THESE DONE ASAP.

OR, If Anyone has done this conversion or a similar one, which chassis did you use?"

There ya go boys...help a brotha out

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Hmmm... I remember Red Star being flatter than normal... a Mission chassis may work. If not, you can always get a shim put in there. I've seen some pretty high quality ones around on internet websites. If you're into graphite, try some DIY and maybe cut out strips from the cutoff of a stick and have holes drilled to act as shims.

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Buy skates made for Roller hockey and you won't have this issue...

Support the sport and buy from companies that are trying to grow the sport; before our sport doesn't exsist anymore...

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If a Ice boot fits the best, then I have no issues with useing one..

A Friend of mine that plays in the Swedish Eliteserie (top icehockey league in Sweden) just had his 1500C Easton skates converted.

A Mg Chassis from the CCM Pf10's was used, an from what I heard it worked out well.

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If a Ice boot fits the best, then I have no issues with useing one..

A Friend of mine that plays in the Swedish Eliteserie (top icehockey league in Sweden) just had his 1500C Easton skates converted.

A Mg Chassis from the CCM Pf10's was used, an from what I heard it worked out well.

kind of hard to find though

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Justin is right in regards with supporting the sport. Mission is a roller hockey company, and it sponsors almost all of the major tournaments in North America. The company needs consumers to keep it running, and we need the company to keep tournaments like they are, or even better.

However, if you really don't feel comfortable in roller hockey skates, or just flat out don't prefer/like them, conversion is not a bad idea.

One question though; don't Tours fit similarly to Eastons? Maybe a little different, but I noticed that the toe caps are similar in shape, and the width of the skate is decent in both.

Don't trust me though, I've only tried the skates on, never worn them.

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Buy skates made for Roller hockey and you won't have this issue...

Support the sport and buy from companies that are trying to grow the sport; before our sport doesn't exsist anymore...

Freedom of choice! Buying ice-boots and coverting them will not kill the sport as for the most part oly a tiny percentage of players will go to the trouble of doing this and only do it when they find that whats available off the shelf doesnt suit.

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this may sound crazy but if it was me having this problem i wuold go to a machine shop and show them your set up and they could mill an aluminum wedge to fix that problem.just a thought .

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