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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick: jr or int?

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My son need a new stick (the blade on his back-up is cracking), & I'm wondering about when was the time you guys moved to a stiffer flex. He just turned 11, but he's a big kid at 5'2" & 110 lbs. He plays D & actually has a pretty good slapshot now.

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That was about when I moved to a stiffer flex. Not the age, but the height and weight, I moved up. Of course it was stiff, but I couldn't deal with junior flexes anymore. I would say let him see which one he likes better.

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find a soft int. stick.. that will feel like a junior but perform and have the flex as a int.

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I would have him try an int if he has a friend who is using one. If his shot and passing don't suffer, then go ahead and move him up to the int.

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he should try a soft intermediate flex like the Easton Intermediate 65 or Bauer 67 and if thats too soft still he can move up to the Bauer Sr. 77 flex if need be which i doubt he will

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