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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprung Hockey

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!Speedy! Nice pic of, I bet, the old model still out there plugging.

I'm going to be up in San Jose at Rolling Ice for the next few days. I'll have some large prototypes there too so if anybody in that area, that wears a NBH 10 or a Mission Type M 10.5, can check them out.

I'll have my machine with me.

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Im thinking about getting a pair of sprungs to put on my old ( brand new, still on box with no holders ) easton ultra lites. id have to buy a new wheel set up.

i was originally gonna slap a set of whatever mission chassis i could find on there, but finding anything in a large is impossible.. im right on the border...

size 11 mission skates. is that ok for a medium? or would a large fit?

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They had a bunch of samples at rollin' ice this past weekend... probably 7-9 pairs.

where are the samples located at?

I'll have to have a look around when i go there next time. I didn't see them around at pickup on friday.

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No but I'm going to. I have a brand new pair that I was given a while back but am a little bit scared of just throwing them on my skates... It's not like changing your wheels. I'll let you know what I think though.

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Nice. I'm waiting for mine to get mounted and I am very impatient about it. I got them on my $50 nikebauer supreme enforcers so i can see how i like the frames. My roommate works at the nike outlet in grove city and he gets discounts on hockey equipment so im going to buy a better boot in a couple of months

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i just tried the sprungs at rollin ice yesterday...unbelievable...i have never felt anything like them...im actually going to go today again with some friends and try to demo them again :D

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Rolling Ice is Fantastic!

I skated twice while I was up there and the rinks are Big and Fast.

I left the 10.5 Type M's, with the A80 prototypes mounted, up there and they'd already been out a bit before I left.

Anybody around there that size should try them. Every time I use them I'm even more stoked.

They give me a platform to shoot from that I couldn't even have imagined. Definitely :) :) :)

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Keith, im having a few issues with my frames. For some reason, three of the axle-nuts, stripped. The actual plastic in the frame has rounded out so I can't remove the bolts, any suggestion on how to get the axle off? Also, two of my axles are bent.



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Keith, im having a few issues with my frames. For some reason, three of the axle-nuts, stripped. The actual plastic in the frame has rounded out so I can't remove the bolts, any suggestion on how to get the axle off? Also, two of my axles are bent.



That sucks. It won't come loose without levering the nut with the point of a thin knife, so it can't spin. First, put a little drop of oil into the nut around the axle and tap it a bit. It sometimes gets in there and things move again.

If that doesn't work, wait till I get you a new set of axles and nuts, and then drill out the end of the axle with a sharp drill bit. Careful, cause it goes Fast. Put in the new ones with the nut on the other (undamaged)side of the arm.

The nut insets are already being made tighter and that will take care of almost all of that stuff. But aluminum does oxidize itself together sometimes.

Are those bent wheel axles or pivot axles (that the arms are attached with)?

The pivot axles get bent if the nut gets loose. The sides of the frame aren't pulled tight to support things and keep them from going diagonal.

As for a bent wheel axle, I've never seen a bent 8mm aluminum axle. Not ours or anybody else's. Not even our 275 and up guys have ever bent an axle, so those will be worth looking at. Can you take a picture and post it?

And send me your address. so I can get the parts to you.

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I had the same problem and put one drop of super glue in the space between nut and the slot in the arm. Its been about two months and have removed and installed that axle about twenty times without any problems.

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Tried Sprungs for the first time today at Rollin Ice... Nothing like I expected.. They felt pretty good. Going from Hi-lo's to the straight wheel setup really didn't feel bad at all. Nothing like the hummer (those felt a little awkward).

The only concern I had was that they give a little bit too much on the push (felt flimsy). The pro shop manager said that tightening the frame may help with that. All in all I was really impressed! I can see myself growing to love them. :D

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Tried Sprungs for the first time today at Rollin Ice... Nothing like I expected.. They felt pretty good. Going from Hi-lo's to the straight wheel setup really didn't feel bad at all. Nothing like the hummer (those felt a little awkward).

The only concern I had was that they give a little bit too much on the push (felt flimsy). The pro shop manager said that tightening the frame may help with that. All in all I was really impressed! I can see myself growing to love them. :D

Thanks for trying them. Once players start seeing others using them they will too. It's what they're there for.

Were they the RBK's with black frames? If so, they're the old model which flexes more than the new.

You need to keep them tightened down, but no amount of tightening, beyond where they stop, will change the action.

WE just got some last large samples and the axle nut insets are nice and snug, so they won't spin or fall out when you're changing wheels. But still easy to insert.

The same tolerance is being applied to the medium right now.

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They were the size 8 pro tacks with the white sprungs. Is that the older model frame?

Those are the new ones. What you feel isn't flimsy, it's movement, and it's the most important part for taking off. If you skate through the toe and max out the front suspension, your foot is in the best possible position for it. When the toe spring unloads, the wheels don't just flop back into position. A quarter inch push from several hundred pounds of pressure letting loose as soon as your weight shifts either moves you or you absorb it. Usually both until you use it automatically.

If they were flimsy you would have hated them before you felt anything else. Needless to say, "flimsy" is not a nice word to use in public! :lol:

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I tried the sprungs today at rollin ice. I took them off after one shift with them on. It felt like I couldn't push off with them on, not all the wheels were hitting the ground like I'm used to. The radius was shorter and I felt like I could turn faster, but I just couldn't push off.

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I tried the sprungs today at rollin ice. I took them off after one shift with them on. It felt like I couldn't push off with them on, not all the wheels were hitting the ground like I'm used to. The radius was shorter and I felt like I could turn faster, but I just couldn't push off.

Same thing happened to me but after I adjusted, I felt like I gained a higher top speed and acceleration.

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After using the sprungs and coming back to my old skates it did feel like I was missing something. I need to try on a different pair of skates cause those missions killed me.

Sprungster: How long are the skates staying at rollin ice for demoing? I wanna give it a second try, but I'm pretty busy with work and such.

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Were you on the 9.5 Type M's? They've never even been baked. Brand new when I took them up there. Somebody needs to break them in for us.

They're going to be there at least another couple of weeks. And two more pairs of A80's will be skating up there shortly. Probably on Grafs.

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I was on the 7.5 Missions, those were really painful. I think I saw a 7.5 pair of tacks, hopefully those are more comfortable because I really wanna test the skates some more since I'm looking to buy a new pair soon.

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