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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprung Hockey

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Just got my sprungs put on today. A7's on a Mission Pure Fly Boot. Hopefully I'll get a chance to skate on the tonight.


I loved mine. We had two pair with the first Sprungs on them. Then they went into the samples at Skate San Diego for another two or three years. I haven't looked lately, but they're probably still getting used. If they're nice and fresh, you might want to get some blue socks... or you already have some thanks to the lining. ;)

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Just in case you are feeling all alone out there in your Sprungs, here's what it looks like as the Virus takes hold. These are shots from the WIHA Finals. The Bandits are all on them, which is a first for me, for sure. The goalie skates are the ones I posted a while back.








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It's funny, I show my Sprungs off to some of the people around here and everyone has the same reaction, WTF are those things?! Then I see these types of pictures and I'm amazed. I wish roller hockey was bigger in southern NJ

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keith what is the goalies response with sprungs playing the goal position? what was his feedback.

"I love them." is what he says, and he's been on them for many months, already, and no problems.

"why is roller gear so damn ugly... I mean honestly.... whatever happened to all black pants"

Roller hockey was born gaudy and loves it. Personally, I had some of my taste responses surgically removed and it all looks pretty nice, now.

"It's funny, I show my Sprungs off to some of the people around here and everyone has the same reaction, WTF are those things?! Then I see these types of pictures and I'm amazed. I wish roller hockey was bigger in southern NJ"

There are players down here who yell insults at players on them. Change is a chore for most people. Everything's a chore for some. As ice hockey gets more and more expensive, roller hockey will grow and Sprungs are the best ice-to-roller chassis there is. This is already spreading the Sprung Virus to the Mid West and North East US, Canada, and Europe.

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do you think the goalies get as much of a benefit from the sprungs as a normal player does? i can see the benefit for normal players - im just not sure how it would help out a goalie.

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keith what is the goalies response with sprungs playing the goal position? what was his feedback.

"It's funny, I show my Sprungs off to some of the people around here and everyone has the same reaction, WTF are those things?! Then I see these types of pictures and I'm amazed. I wish roller hockey was bigger in southern NJ"

There are players down here who yell insults at players on them. Change is a chore for most people. Everything's a chore for some. As ice hockey gets more and more expensive, roller hockey will grow and Sprungs are the best ice-to-roller chassis there is. This is already spreading the Sprung Virus to the Mid West and North East US, Canada, and Europe.

It's great, kinda trying to start a trend around here :lol: .

By the way, Keith, I've only skated on the Sprungs four or five times so far, but I can say nothing but positive things about them. You got a user for life now. Stopping and just skating in general is unreal.

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why is roller gear so damn ugly... I mean honestly.... whatever happened to all black pants

why is ice hockey gear so plain?

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why is roller gear so damn ugly... I mean honestly.... whatever happened to all black pants

why is ice hockey gear so plain?

Because we are traditionalist. And if somebody wears one of those multi color inline jersey's to the ice rink to drop in, they get the crap beat out of them. :lol: J/K.

I play both. It really depends on where your roots are. But it is one of the many differences in the two sports. Sprungster's right. Inline was born gaudy and loves it.

Imagine wearing that packing tape stuff to the ice rink! :lol:

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Is the glass half full or half empty.... ?

Why does Don Cherry wear camp suits that be-lie his obvious straight/macho persona?

Oh the meaningless mysteries of the world, how they do trouble us in our sleep. ;)

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do you think the goalies get as much of a benefit from the sprungs as a normal player does? i can see the benefit for normal players - im just not sure how it would help out a goalie.

Im curious too e.g. how he finds his lateral movement, if there is clearance for his straps etc. My goalie-half has managed to start rounding out the front axel hole on his already dented chassis (tour redline 5000, approx 6 months old).

I should rent him out for destructive testing, he kills wheels as well :/

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do you think the goalies get as much of a benefit from the sprungs as a normal player does? i can see the benefit for normal players - im just not sure how it would help out a goalie.

Im curious too e.g. how he finds his lateral movement, if there is clearance for his straps etc. My goalie-half has managed to start rounding out the front axel hole on his already dented chassis (tour redline 5000, approx 6 months old).

I should rent him out for destructive testing, he kills wheels as well :/

I've skated in them and they're very agile and stable, but I've never been a goalie for a second. They are easy to jump around in and directional change is easy in the same way Sprungs are skating out. I was wondering about the straps, because they look weird from some angles, but the second shot shows them up in their holders away from the working parts and wheels. Different wheels.



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I recently purchased a bauer 4.0 pro flexlite in size 8D and would love to do an ice to roller conversion. I'm still debating on the frame I'd like to use but very interested in sprung setup. I'm skeptical due to the length of the frame and how the wheels go so far past the boot both in front and back, but still willing to try. What frame and size would be recommended for the size boot I have?

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flyweightphantom, since you will most probably be using small wheels, I dont think the wheels will stick out much (if that's what you are asking). On my size 9 Torspos with A7s, the axles for the front and rear sit about 1inch from the edge of the boots. With small wheels like 59mm, the edge of the wheels wont go past the edge of the boot (sorry, not sure if that makes sense?)

If you were going to use them for goalie, maybe consider either the A7 or A8 as they have a more robust design? Not saying the A6 wont take the punishment, as most can attest (including myself) that they can take a beating. The A6 are also currently on closeout...

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you're right on the borderline between the A6 and A7... I've got a pair of CCM size 8D coming, and I;'m mounting some A7 on them...

The A6 would work as well, and I also tried the A6 on my current pair of size 9D skates.

both would work for you, but now that the A6 is on closeout, maybe grab that while you can?

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When I started playing roller, it was like 1995, in NYC and all that was available pretty much was black pants and whatever NHL jersey you felt like wearing to pickup. I played for maybe 5 years and never saw anything remotely close to the gaudiness that roller has moved too. I mean some of those unis make me want to vomit.

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why is roller gear so damn ugly... I mean honestly.... whatever happened to all black pants

I think to some extent it has its place. Me personally, I guess you could say I'm much more on the traditional side. Every pair of roller pants I've had has been all black, or all black with some simple gray accents. I've always bought mostly ice hockey looking skates (black skates, simple designs. The Mission Assassins are the wildest design I've had). My teams have always had pretty tradition jerseys as well.

I don't mind the wild designs, but my biggest issue with them is that unless the team is professional (or at least highly organized), nobody ever matches at all. I guess that's why I always buy neutral (read "black") equipment. Gloves, pants, helmets, etc. With all black gear I'll almost always fit in pretty well with any color scheme.

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When I started playing roller, it was like 1995, in NYC and all that was available pretty much was black pants and whatever NHL jersey you felt like wearing to pickup. I played for maybe 5 years and never saw anything remotely close to the gaudiness that roller has moved too. I mean some of those unis make me want to vomit.

Did I miss something, that post just seemed to appear with nothing to do with the conversation! wrong thread maybe?

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