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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Weight Thread

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I had access to a kitchen scale so I decided to check out what my skates weigh with wheels and without wheels. I think it would be cool to check out the weights of different people's setups so if anyone else is bored, throw it in this thread, eh?

Skates - 2005 Tour Beemer size 7.5 with Hummer chassis

Wheels - 80mm Rink Rat Hornets - 78A

Bearings - ABEC 7

Skates with no wheels = 3.865 lbs total, 1.9325 lbs per skate

Skates No Wheels

Just wheels bearings and spacers = 2.210 lbs all 8, 1.105 lbs for 4

Wheels, Bearings, and Spacers

Full setup weight = 3.070 lbs for each skate, 6.14 lbs for both

Full Setup

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bored enough to paint his chassis black and his wheels. anyways, over 3 lbs per skate? damn! beemers are bricks!

word, the chassis took 2 minutes to black out with a marker, it wasn't out of boredom though. the crew that i used to hang out with when i rode BMX would give you hell if you showed up with equipment that had words like "Pro" on them. old habits die hard. as far as the wheels, i didn't mess with those...they were already black.

does anyone have any examples of skates that are light?

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I don't always see the issue with weight on equiptment, I personally can skate better on a skate that is about average in weight as when the skates are too light i feel i can't get a feel for them as much and for example when i do fast crossovers my legs a whirling away and i cant really tell where they are and i need more weight to feel comfortable

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I know some ppl that say that, but always in regards to Icehockey.

Roller skates are alot heavier, due to wheels and bearings, so never heard anybody complain about light weight inliners

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Code-1s are lighter than beemers, but I don't know how much of a difference there really is. My friend's got a pair that are quite a bit lighter. but he wears a 7 which comes with 76mm wheels. Micro bearings never hurt on the weight issue.

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I'll add to this:

Mission Quattro 9500's - size 7 - 1170g = 2.57940847 lbs each skate

Mission He550's - size 7 - 1284g = 2.83073545 lbs each skate

(completely stock)

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I know some ppl that say that, but always in regards to Icehockey.

Roller skates are alot heavier, due to wheels and bearings, so never heard anybody complain about light weight inliners

Yeh i was reffering to ice, i guess in a few years inlines will catch up and i'll have the same problem :(

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My buddy has a pair of Mission 5500's that I thought would weigh a decent bit less than my Beemers due to the 4 72mm wheels. Turns out they're not much lighter.

Mission 5500 Size 9 (totally stock) - 3.055 lbs per skate

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damn! beemers are bricks!

The Beemers are heavy enough to gain brick status? I guess its all relative. I might be able to tell the difference between a skate that weighs 2 lbs as opposed to 3 lbs on my foot (I'd be able to tell lesser differences by holding them in my hands maybe, but I don't count that).

Since I couldn't ever justify spending more than 200 bucks for a complete skate (cos' i stink), I don't think I'll be breaking the sub 3 lbs barrier anytime soon. I love those Beemers tho!

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