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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need Some advice gang...M-1 or Response?

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Opinions please....

I have for a long time avoided buying a OPS since I had a Synergy and wasn't 100% impressed with the feel.

But my LHS is selling both M-1's and Responses for $149 CDN!!!

I can't pass this up.

So - given the choice of the two - which would any of you recommend?

BTW - I'm a Flyweight diehard so naturally I am leaning towrds the M-1 but wanted to get some opinions - sometimes change can be good too!



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I loved my Responses, the feel was amazing and they didn't last much shorter than most of the other products I used around that time.

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What did you use in your flyweight? Did you use a wood blade? The M-1 is more blade heavy when compared to other ops's but the shaft is one of the best in the industry. Another thing that you have to consider is the flex/pattern choices. The flexes and patterns of the mission sticks are the same as the easton sticks so there isn't a difficult transition there. The tps sticks on the other hand have a huge gap between the whip and regular flex (retail models) and the patterns are quite different compared to easton/mission.

One more thing. If you used woodies in your flyweight and hated the feel of a synergy then I don't know if you would be happy with either one of these sticks IMO. No composite blade, not even the innos who everybody says has the best feel, can compare to the feel of wood.

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I'll give you two ways to go about it.

First, both sticks have been known to have blade problems. I'm not saying that the blade in the stick you buy will break easily, but it could happen. Since that is a possibility, if you plan on cutting the blade off to use as a shaft, then I'd suggest the M-1 as I feel it is a much better shaft.

I feel that the Response has better feel than the M-1, but that the M-1 has better shot performance. So, whichever sticks caters to your game better, give that one a try.

If all else fails and you're not concerned about cutting it down or you have a balanced game, then I'd suggest going with whatever stick has the best pattern for you.

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Ive had both and felt the response had a nice feel to it but that I got a better shot with the M-1. Plus, the M-1 lasted me a month and a half longer then the response did.

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I hope you did read through the topic...he bought the stick well over a year ago...almost two. No need to add the reply to an almost two year old topic...

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The M1 shaft is quite nice and durable. However, I found the blades to be a bit soft. I'd totally go with a Response out of those two choices.

BUT... now that I see EBondo's reply, that would explain why that price seems so high.

Mod's, please lock.

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