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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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whos autograph is this ?

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today i went to go swimmin in my pool, before i jumped in i saw a baseball at the bottom. i jumped to grab the ball and surprisingly it was a signed major league basball! i have no idea how it got there. i also have no idea who signed the ball is signed by and im lookin for some help on this. the only thing i can read on the ball is the name ted and the #7. help is appreciated. thanks in advanced.



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Yeah Ted Lilly and Ted Williams were the first two players I thought of too. Williams was #9 and Lilly wears #31 for the Jays, dont know what he wore previously. I googled both their autographs though and they dont match the autograph on the ball. You never know, it could be a joke someone pulled, signed a ball and threw it in your pool or maybe a minor leaguer or something. I dont know, cant think of any more Teds in the majors past or present but Im sure theyre out there.

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ya i thought it was a joke too but im sure if it was gonna be a joke they wouldnt use an acual game used major league baseball and they would prob put a popular player

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the more i look at it the more it does look like trots

i've seen autographs from players vary and trots autograph in the picture miike posted does look like mine . i'll try to get to a sports mem. store in the next few days to get their oppinion.

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