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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ban roostingmx?

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see his post history..

Well, actually.. if you are seeing this poll, you can see what he did..

by the 3 pages of replied threads that have the last post by roostingmx... the longest post consisting of 4 words. :angry:

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why was i spamming you guys dont even know why,

We are trying to pay for my sons hockey equitment for this year so I would like to post in the sell section, to try and sell some of his old equitment

Gosh some people are rude

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No, we are not rude. We have rules to abide by here, and you were breaking them. Posting stuff like you did was unnecessary. We earned our Members+ sign, so why let someone slide by posting yeah, sweet, I agree posts?

And now I just see you brought a topic a year old up? :rolleyes:

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so tell me then...

How do I get my members+ in such a short time?

And its not like I was being stupid about it,

Its not like I was just writing yah and idiotic things in the treads,

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And its not like I was being stupid about it,

Not true.

Its not like I was just writing yah and idiotic things in the treads,

Definitely not true.

I would tell you to search for the answer to your question, but given how many old topics you've brought up I think its obvious you know how to.

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And its not like I was being stupid about it,

Not true.

Its not like I was just writing yah and idiotic things in the treads,

Definitely not true.

I would tell you to search for the answer to your question, but given how many old topics you've brought up I think its obvious you know how to.

lol I brought up 2 old topics wow are people in thw hockey world really this b!tchy?

b/c i know were i come from we like to help people out and not just ya'll at them

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I read through a couple of your comments on other threads, and its pretty obvious your shooting for higher posts. One thing that could annoy other members on this board is if they are 2 pages into a thread and people are contributing to it nicely, then you come into it and ask a question that is obvious if you would just read through the posts.

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so tell me then...

How do I get my members+ in such a short time?

And its not like I was being stupid about it,

Its not like I was just writing yah and idiotic things in the treads,

you just posted a thread about how long crosby will be with the penguins... :mellow:

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I dont have members+ well atleast it doesn't show it...

Um, im almost postive it says it under your avatar.

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When I saw what he was doing, I just overrode his permission mask with a regular member's mask.

Just because you are a Members+ does not give you the privilege to sell, especially when you crank out 45 posts in one night. We frown upon post padding.

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I knew that would happen.

Let this be a lesson to all you fresh meat new posters. Spam the boards, and you get nothing. Earn the privileges like the rest of us.

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