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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do you wear Toe bags

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I thought I'd relate a funny story.

The absolute slowest skater on the adult league team wears toe bags. He puts zip log bags on his toes. At first we joked about it because we thought he did not want to get some disease from the locker room. He says it's because his toes get cold. We all told him to skate harder and that would not happen.

He says he's not lacing so tight that his feet are numb.

Maybe we are all cruel but I thought that was a hilarious use of zip lock sandwitch bags.


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why not just wear socks?

of put those little heat packs that skiiers use in their boots

the heat things arent a bad idea if you had enough room

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Over the years I've found that a little patch of duct tape on the ankle (or wherever on the foot) will save the agony of blisters but I've never heard of using plastic bags lol.

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Cold feet? are you sure he was playing the sport known as hockey? I have never heard of something so strange.

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Best blister formula is to wear a pair of womens nyons and then regular sport socks. Socks and skates rub on the nylon, not the skin making for blister free hockey. When my little brother was little and he got new skates he used to cry because his feet hurt so badly and he couldnt walk and wear shoes after hockey but after using nylons he was problem free.

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Best blister formula is to wear a pair of womens nyons and then regular sport socks. Socks and skates rub on the nylon, not the skin making for blister free hockey. When my little brother was little and he got new skates he used to cry because his feet hurt so badly and he couldnt walk and wear shoes after hockey but after using nylons he was problem free.

Wouldn't women's nylons just open the door to a whole new set of problems later on?

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How did I know that comment was coming?

And yes my brother is now a transvestite stripper. Pre-op if youre going to ask.

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I've heard of using plastic bags before. A coach recommended it to me once I think. I've never tried it, but I probably will for pond hockey this winter.

I would think the ziplock part would be really uncomfortable though. I'm probably just going to use regular sandwich bags with the fold top.

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Never heard about the pantyhose being used and if I ever see a Buffalo Bill in the lockerroom I'm screaming rape.

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Best blister formula is to wear a pair of womens nyons and then regular sport socks. Socks and skates rub on the nylon, not the skin making for blister free hockey. When my little brother was little and he got new skates he used to cry because his feet hurt so badly and he couldnt walk and wear shoes after hockey but after using nylons he was problem free.

Wouldn't women's nylons just open the door to a whole new set of problems later on?

Something like this would work.


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