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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new easton skates

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it seems like there are no nhlers wearing these. No that it matters that much but is it because they are not a quality skate? or other...


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Theres a few out there. Datsyuk and Marchment come to mind immediatly. It's not they are por quality, but just that most guys are so biased to Bauer/CCM/Graf skates they won't venture to different companies. Also the Razor Blades holder is garbage.

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ARe they the same as the 2003 but lighter?

i'd was looking at them the other day, they have a similar quarter to the vector pros (the metal meshy stuff), and they feel lighter, seems like they'll be more durable too because theres less random bits of plastic stuck to the boot

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i actually lvoe the look of them. are they the same as 2003 except weight?

The 2004s have Easton's version of perf steel, a different quarter wrap, a metal matrix(?) compared to a carbon outer sole, a microfiber rather than suede liner, and a smaller tongue like the Vector Pros. Fit is the same. I haven't heard any feedback from the 2004s yet. Oh, yeah, the new Z-Air Fusions weight in at 867 grams in a size 7. Little FYI.

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I actually prefer the looks of the 03 Comp Airs over the new 04 models. I love the feel of the 04's though, they're very nice skates. Plus, with the deal that they have right now, with the free Si-core stick, how could you lose? Well, other than losing $370 out of your wallet. :rolleyes:

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