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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Northeast Heatwave

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I just rode to Wawa (convienience store in the tri-state area of NJ, PA, and part of Deleware) and you could just feel the heat hit you, it was horrible.

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It's been like 98 with a heat index of 110.  I man it up and drive with the heat on though.

Windows rolled up too, right?

Of course.

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I just rode to Wawa (convienience store in the tri-state area of NJ, PA, and part of Deleware) and you could just feel the heat hit you, it was horrible.

Wawa is in MD as well.

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It was extremely hot today, but me and my friends went down to the beach and jumped off a 20 ft high rock into the cold ocean. But at my midgets practice about 2 hours ago, every time you fell you would get soaked with water and our rink is usually very cold during the summer.

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I just rode to Wawa (convienience store in the tri-state area of NJ, PA, and part of Deleware) and you could just feel the heat hit you, it was horrible.

Wawa is in MD as well.

Gotcha, wasn't sure. Man I love that place. That's all I need to survive, that, and an ice-hockey rink with a nice proshop.

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I was in a damn plane all week. It hit 130 on the ramp in Philly the other day. And of course I was in a little blue bus with wings sitting on that friggin ramp.

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