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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rbk 6k Shins

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I just bought a pair of the 6k shins, and this may be a dumb question, but are they heat moldable? I saw something on the tag attached to them about thermoformable pads or something. They are a bit too bulky at the bottom, and was hoping I could heat mold them and maybe narrow it down a bit, or if there's another way, I'd appreciate the input.

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The thermoformable means the mold once you get hot, I don't believe that means they're bakeable. I've heard of people using hair dryers to just loosen up the plastic at the bottom.

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I stuck mine in an oven for like less than 2 minutes. Not at such a high temperature but they should feel warm when you take them out.

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:o Are you guys serious?

I'm with you.

So what your saying is you put your shins in the oven at home at a low temp and baked them for a min. or so then took them out and squeezed them around your shin for a better fit. Did you really notice a dif. and wont that ruin the integrity of the pads?

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Well considering your body would not get over 105 degrees (most likley) when you use a low heat like 120 or 140 it would speed up the molding process. I dont see many things that could go wrong there isnt that much glue on a shin pad.

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