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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eagle gloves

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i would try ebay because of the low prices, but not alwise guarented :angry:

this site has virtually every color and style that eagle has made


you might have to custom order you colors through them, may take 10-12 weeks that is what i have to wait for my x70's with tampa bay colors.

when in doubt..........go to google

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What are Eagle Fushion Gloves? I know they are a goalie line from eagle, but they have players gloves too? Anybody have specs?

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just bought my second pair of eagle gloves yesterday,( special edition 1997)red and black with silver writing.

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does the special edition 1997 mean they are from '97 or is that the model #? I wondered what that was and didnt think eagle had made pro glo that long.

how long has eagle been around btw

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Anyone ever seen some Green and Black Eagles? Anyone know a site were i can make custom eagles or if they have like a blank order sheet/

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Any LHS can get you a pair of custom Eagles. Be prepared to wait a bit.

And pay a pretty penny from what Ive heard

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does the special edition 1997 mean they are from '97 or is that the model #? I wondered what that was and didnt think eagle had made pro glo that long.

how long has eagle been around btw

it was the year, but they changed the 1997 to X70. Atleast they did on mine.

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The wait on the custom gloves varies....my rep told me it would be 5 weeks for my Naslund gloves. It's been about 7, but this is why I said it varies, because he said they were waiting on material. My boss and a friend each ordered a pair at the same time, which were not the exact pro gloves like mine, and they received theirs in 5 weeks. As for prices, my friend got his, which is Savard's glove with a color variation and name/number on cuff, for about $150.

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