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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Havoc

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Ok i dont really post a review but just wanted to let you know this.

I been the owner of a couple synergys (yzerman and sackic pattern) and a friend of mine got a brand new Havoc sackic curve 100 flex for his birthday.Anyway to make a story short i borowed to play in a tourney (inside ball hockey) and the 7 or 8 th slap shot it broke 3/4 down :/.Its the 1 st stick i can really say is junk.He will get another one when he contact easton but still 8 shots with a amn orange ball and he went poof!

The other thing i noticed is the sackic curve had more loft at the end of the blade.I been playing with a 02 model (sackic) and the curve are really diferent.

Sorry if it was not posted in the right forum.

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No, way less. You can get a Vector for that price and have it last longer/perform better. The Havoc is so blade-heavy its not even funny.

I never bashed easton really.But this ops is the worst ever !!! it should be sold at wal-mart :/

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the vector was manufactured to be a top of the line stick, the havoc is a price point ops, nothing more.

Actually, they aren't that different. The materials and construction is very similar and neither should cost as much as it does.

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Nha i am looking at inno or xn10 atm i think i will leave easton product a bit and try something else.I would have never bought that stick period.But i liked the new sackic curve compared to my 02 synergy.

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the vector was manufactured to be a top of the line stick, the havoc is a price point ops, nothing more.

Actually, they aren't that different. The materials and construction is very similar and neither should cost as much as it does.

The same can be said about most OPS's on the market. I look at the Hespeler Nemessis and i dont understand how the Havoc can cost so much.

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Easton products are overrated, their top of the line models lack durabiliy and their cheap products lack overall quality and their price point products are just rediculous and overpriced. Synergys as well as all other OPS lack durability but Easton stuff tends to break more often then any other OPS. Their cheap products liek the Octane is just horrilbe and you honestly get what you paid for and their price point, the havoc as stated by everyone here is also horrible and their price point shaft, the typhoon is just way overpriced, for 20 dollars more I rather jump up to a UL. Easton products are good but way too overrated and they are abusing their reputation as a quality supplier by producing the havoc since its only 10 dollars cheaper but is suppose to be price point.

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bet that was a nice birthday surprise even tho he got a warranty. 8 shots, that was just like my l-2 blade except i took a couple more

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I mean i am 175 and 5.9 i slap shot like 75 mph on icq and i aint near a beast of slap shot... but god how a 200$ canadian hockey stick break like that :/.MUCHO CRAPO HAVOC

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