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How Many Members In Family Play

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me and my cousin who played in the NHL 3 season as a third line man­.

Unfortunaly, I don't have his talent, and we are not that close cousin, So he couldn't not teach me.

Now before every one call it BullShit, his name is Michel Mongeau(does this sound french to you? am I french?) and why the heck would i  ''create'' a fake story with Mongeau , proof is that maybe only 2-3 person on the board will remember me under the St-louis jersey...

it's not like i'm saying lecavalier or brodeur is my cousin lol... i'm talking about a third line guys who played only 3-4 season...but he still made it loll!

6 points in 7 games in his first season thats pretty impressive, any idea why he didn't stick with the AHL and maybe get played in the show again insted of going to the I?

Actually, he is a martin st-louis but back in the 90 lol... he was kinda short. and this is what they told him. he couldn't never make it higher than the third lines because he was shorter than the other guys.

So after a certain times playing for the AHL and IHL, he knew that any team would pick him cuz he was smaller/shorter, so he played some time in Europeen, then played his last 5 season in Quebec, Semi-pro where he dominated everybody lol!!

Also, When he was QJMHL, his last season he hit 180 point in 72.. I don't even think crosby did that :lol: !! I may also add, that he was playing on the same line with Mario Lemieux, I really think he should have played in the NHL!!(imagine if he would have made the big show.. even at 500k a years, i'm sure i would have been a very lucky guys who would have chance to take the plain and free tickets for his games)

Oh well...NHL want goons and tought guys, rare are the guys of the size of st-louis to make it..even if they are better than 80% of the players..

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Oh well...NHL want goons and tought guys, rare are the guys of the size of st-louis to make it..even if they are better than 80% of the players..

Not anymore.

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me and my cousin who played in the NHL 3 season as a third line man­.

Unfortunaly, I don't have his talent, and we are not that close cousin, So he couldn't not teach me.

Now before every one call it BullShit, his name is Michel Mongeau(does this sound french to you? am I french?) and why the heck would i  ''create'' a fake story with Mongeau , proof is that maybe only 2-3 person on the board will remember me under the St-louis jersey...

it's not like i'm saying lecavalier or brodeur is my cousin lol... i'm talking about a third line guys who played only 3-4 season...but he still made it loll!

6 points in 7 games in his first season thats pretty impressive, any idea why he didn't stick with the AHL and maybe get played in the show again insted of going to the I?

Actually, he is a martin st-louis but back in the 90 lol... he was kinda short. and this is what they told him. he couldn't never make it higher than the third lines because he was shorter than the other guys.

So after a certain times playing for the AHL and IHL, he knew that any team would pick him cuz he was smaller/shorter, so he played some time in Europeen, then played his last 5 season in Quebec, Semi-pro where he dominated everybody lol!!

Also, When he was QJMHL, his last season he hit 180 point in 72.. I don't even think crosby did that :lol: !! I may also add, that he was playing on the same line with Mario Lemieux, I really think he should have played in the NHL!!(imagine if he would have made the big show.. even at 500k a years, i'm sure i would have been a very lucky guys who would have chance to take the plain and free tickets for his games)

Oh well...NHL want goons and tought guys, rare are the guys of the size of st-louis to make it..even if they are better than 80% of the players..

Lucky! its cool you have a cousin who made it...

180pts in 72games, and played for the blues and lightning.

does he still play pro or semi pro?

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nah, he quits, he said to me that the semi-pro is such a big bullshit. it all about goon and number of fight in one games(less than 5 fight,fans arent happy) that the league where brashear played during the lock-out lolll

So he said fuck that, i'm better than this league..and he dont want to return to europe because he want to stay with his family, he is now selling house(agent immobilier in french...i don't know the terms in english)

If only i had 20% of his talents.... :blink:

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me and my cousin who played in the NHL 3 season as a third line man­.

Unfortunaly, I don't have his talent, and we are not that close cousin, So he couldn't not teach me.

Now before every one call it BullShit, his name is Michel Mongeau(does this sound french to you? am I french?) and why the heck would i  ''create'' a fake story with Mongeau , proof is that maybe only 2-3 person on the board will remember me under the St-louis jersey...

it's not like i'm saying lecavalier or brodeur is my cousin lol... i'm talking about a third line guys who played only 3-4 season...but he still made it loll!

6 points in 7 games in his first season thats pretty impressive, any idea why he didn't stick with the AHL and maybe get played in the show again insted of going to the I?

Actually, he is a martin st-louis but back in the 90 lol... he was kinda short. and this is what they told him. he couldn't never make it higher than the third lines because he was shorter than the other guys.

So after a certain times playing for the AHL and IHL, he knew that any team would pick him cuz he was smaller/shorter, so he played some time in Europeen, then played his last 5 season in Quebec, Semi-pro where he dominated everybody lol!!

Also, When he was QJMHL, his last season he hit 180 point in 72.. I don't even think crosby did that :lol: !! I may also add, that he was playing on the same line with Mario Lemieux, I really think he should have played in the NHL!!(imagine if he would have made the big show.. even at 500k a years, i'm sure i would have been a very lucky guys who would have chance to take the plain and free tickets for his games)

Oh well...NHL want goons and tought guys, rare are the guys of the size of st-louis to make it..even if they are better than 80% of the players..

Lucky! its cool you have a cousin who made it...

180pts in 72games, and played for the blues and lightning.

does he still play pro or semi pro?

Hey, did he have an Upper deck hockey card...maybe a rookie card? I remember the last name a bit. Maybe when hockey card sets first started coming out (mainstream) like the "Proset" or "Score" in the 90's.

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Hey, did he have an Upper deck hockey card...maybe a rookie card?  I remember the last name a bit.  Maybe when hockey card sets first started coming out (mainstream) like the "Proset" or "Score" in the 90's.

Actually, I have no clue lol!! It would make sens to see a rookie card! Now back when he was in the Junior Quebec, with his last season of 180 point... he was kinda popular, he own some records in this leagues. So maybe there was some hype about my cousin when he entered the NHL and a card was made for him.

I should try to get my hand on ones,as for the autograph, i think it will be easy lol!!

P.S: Oh since we are in, my grand-father Jean-Guy Mongeau was a professional paint, he has some work at ''musée des beaux-arts de Montreal'' and in France, Damn i have a ''Pro family'' loll why can't I also be talented!!? :(

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At one point we had 5 people playing hockey. Me and my Dad have always been playing, but my sister tried for about 2 years and my two other brothers played for about 4 years.

5's the record

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me and my cousin who played in the NHL 3 season as a third line man­.

Unfortunaly, I don't have his talent, and we are not that close cousin, So he couldn't not teach me.

Now before every one call it BullShit, his name is Michel Mongeau(does this sound french to you? am I french?) and why the heck would i  ''create'' a fake story with Mongeau , proof is that maybe only 2-3 person on the board will remember me under the St-louis jersey...

it's not like i'm saying lecavalier or brodeur is my cousin lol... i'm talking about a third line guys who played only 3-4 season...but he still made it loll!

6 points in 7 games in his first season thats pretty impressive, any idea why he didn't stick with the AHL and maybe get played in the show again insted of going to the I?

Actually, he is a martin st-louis but back in the 90 lol... he was kinda short. and this is what they told him. he couldn't never make it higher than the third lines because he was shorter than the other guys.

So after a certain times playing for the AHL and IHL, he knew that any team would pick him cuz he was smaller/shorter, so he played some time in Europeen, then played his last 5 season in Quebec, Semi-pro where he dominated everybody lol!!

Also, When he was QJMHL, his last season he hit 180 point in 72.. I don't even think crosby did that :lol: !! I may also add, that he was playing on the same line with Mario Lemieux, I really think he should have played in the NHL!!(imagine if he would have made the big show.. even at 500k a years, i'm sure i would have been a very lucky guys who would have chance to take the plain and free tickets for his games)

Oh well...NHL want goons and tought guys, rare are the guys of the size of st-louis to make it..even if they are better than 80% of the players..

I remember the year the Hull Olympiques won the cup in QMJHL with Guy Rouleau and Luc Robitaille as their top players. Robitaille had 191 points in 63 regular season games while he got 44 points in 15 playoff games. That year the playoff format was a best of 9. If my memory serves me well the Olympiques won 15 straight games in the playoff and I can't remember what happened at the memorial cup..

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Just me and with the exception of my good friend down the street I'm the only person who plays in my school or my entire city.

Where do you live Texas?

Nope Ohio.

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