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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sinden out

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This is great, now he'll be able to go back home to Transylvania and see how his old stomping grounds are.

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He was a good coach for the Bruins but with O'Connels help they never got anything good done I am happy to see both not choosing the team anymore its about time we get new people in and turn this ship around

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Best move ever = Cam Neely Trade

Worst move ever = Not getting Cam and Ray the supporting cast when they were so close to a cup.

Dont let the door hit you in the ass Harry!

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Good riddance. Letting them sign Lapointe for $5/year for 4 years on his watch was ridiculous.

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I liked Sinden because he once caught me and one of my buddies hanging out in the luxury suites at the Fleet drinking other peoples beer when I was 17. He just told us that if we drink to much not to drive.

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