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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Happy Birthday JR!

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Geez, I've been away from my computer for to long. I can't believe I missed this. Happy birthday guys! Hope you drank a ton to celebrate!

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No, just went home, had a beer and crashed.

Went out to dinner with the Mrs and ate too much. The Bass Ales tasted good, as always. I need the Friday Night Skate this evening to sweat the extra poundage.

Now I'm just waiting for the letter to join AARP.

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No, just went home, had a beer and crashed.

Went out to dinner with the Mrs and ate too much. The Bass Ales tasted good, as always. I need the Friday Night Skate this evening to sweat the extra poundage.

Now I'm just waiting for the letter to join AARP.

DarkStar50, sounds like you had a nice, quiet evening with the Mrs (plus the beers!).

JR, hope you had second wind and had that drinking birthday celebration.

Cheers to you both from over here! *CLINK!*

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