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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ebay Auction

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So the other night i was on Ebay, and came across a package of 6 CCM vector sticks up for grabs, at an unbelieveable price. So i decided to watch it, then came down to the few minutes left, and met the reserve when i put in my bid. So i was pretty syked on getting 6 sticks for this price. So i email the seller, to make sure i am getting 6 sticks. He replies , the price you paid you only get one stick. For 6 of them its $450 plus shipping. Now in my eyes, and a few people i've talked to this auction clearly states a 6 hockey stick package up for grabs, not only in title, but aswell as the description. Yes i realize that theres only one pictured, but i'm just focusing on how he stated its 6 up for grabs. What should i do?

Here is the auction for future reference.


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Thats bush. It says package of six. Not pay for one, get one. You should be getting six. That auction is clearly mislabeled if you are only getting one.

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Excatly what i said. I have reported it to Ebay. I think i should be getting 6 sticks for the price i won my bid on. I refuse to pay so far because i won the auction for 6 sticks, not 1.

Edit: I'm glad i'm not the only one who knows i should be getting 6 sticks.

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Never buy from anyone with that little feedback. Very risky.

Or that shitty of spelling. I know it may sound dumb but I wouldn't trust a guy who writes like a 12 year old because he probably is.

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True, i should of been more careful when bidding, but i forgot to mention that i did email him before i bid, and said that its for 6 sticks.

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Did you save the email? Honestly though, I doubt there is any way for you to get the 6 sticks for $100. Ebay will ban him or something and just void the whole transaction.

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I have all the emails. I'm not really upset since i didn't pay and won't... it would of been a whole different story if i did pay, but i just would like a guy like this on Ebay delt with.

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You won't have to pay for them as he has obviously violated eBay's sellers policy...

Listing Policies for Sellers

Probably "Misleading Titles"

This is an example of how he should set up his auction if it is a "lot" of 6 sticks that he is selling individually...


Indicating the total quantity

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I was going to bid, but emailed him a couple hours before and he told me it was for 1 stick only.

He told me the complete opposite.

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If I were you I'd send the potential buyer a log of what you just went through with the guy and hope to scare him away. Then again I'm a dick and I don't know how to let things go.

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He more then likely changed it from 6 sticks to one cause he saw how much he was gona get and didn’t want to let then all go for that price. You know what I mean. The dude is an idiot I must say.

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If you are going to refuse to buy them, make sure ebay approves or something. Because I also got screwed on time on ebay and didnt pay. Not only did I get bad feedback but they threatened to cancel my account. It was the only time I had not payed also.

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