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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I recently bought a xxx lite off him and now he has has not been returning my emails/PM's and has blocked me on msn,

I payed him over internet banking email transfer thing.

I was wondering is there anyway I can get my money back?

Could I call my bank and tell them what happened?

I'am very mad and I have heard that he has ripped off alot of other MSH.

I bought the stick from him last Wednesday, and have not heard from him since then.

Thank You for your time


P.S. Don't buy from him rips you off

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how do you know he's blocked you? when I bought my visor from him he gave me good communication but had to go away for a business trip and wasn't able to ship till the next week which is when he came back so relax, maybe he's on another trip

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how do you know he's blocked you? when I bought my visor from him he gave me good communication but had to go away for a business trip and wasn't able to ship till the next week which is when he came back so relax, maybe he's on another trip

He's on a business trip at like 16-17 years old? and.. i added him on msn as i was interested in the XXX lite but decided not to, and he's online at the moment.

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how do you know he's blocked you? when I bought my visor from him he gave me good communication but had to go away for a business trip and wasn't able to ship till the next week which is when he came back so relax, maybe he's on another trip

He's on a business trip at like 16-17 years old? and.. i added him on msn as i was interested in the XXX lite but decided not to, and he's online at the moment.

He told me in a pm one time that his wife bought him a TPS Adrenalinein and he needs to sell it to pay bills.When I wanted to trade for the stick.

I thought he was only 16-17 too. Might be a bit of a liar if you ask me.

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Sniper14? You mean the kid that does nothing but buy things for cheap on Ebay, and attempts to sell it on here for more money?

Thats just good business if people actually buy the stuff from him.

And in all fairness regarding his age- I know absolutely nothing about him but there have been times on here when I've been shocked hearing someone I thought was 14 was actually in their late 20s.

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Wait a little longer. A week is nothing to get too exited about. If he is not answering you after that you should ask him for a shipping receipt. If he does still not answer set him a timeframe for say another week. If he still doesn´t answer tell him you will file him for mail fraud with his local police office. You can usually do this online. That way I managed to get my stuff from someone on here who only gave me excuses for like 2 months.

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There was one time on this board that I bought something but didnt really know the guy so I asked him if he would put it on ebay with a buy it now feature and I bought it right away.

Maybe next time if somebody doesnt really know somebody on the board or if trust is an issue then just ask them to put it on ebay and just cover the charges.

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how do you know he's blocked you? when I bought my visor from him he gave me good communication but had to go away for a business trip and wasn't able to ship till the next week which is when he came back so relax, maybe he's on another trip

He's on a business trip at like 16-17 years old? and.. i added him on msn as i was interested in the XXX lite but decided not to, and he's online at the moment.

so your telling me i basically got jobbed because he didn't wanna ship it so he had to lie about it and say he was on a buisness trip? In that case, :angry::angry:

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Sniper14? You mean the kid that does nothing but buy things for cheap on Ebay, and attempts to sell it on here for more money?

haha u noticed that too?

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This is bunk,

I directly said that I needed that stick for this thursday b/c my son is going to a camp and needed it...

You've bred?

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This is bunk,

I directly said that I needed that stick for this thursday b/c my son is going to a camp and needed it...

You've bred?

Well Peter, I usually sit in the bushes and notice the - ahem - inconsistencies and wait for some other MSHer to point them out - but in this case I'll make an exception.

Can't see why you are lying about having a son. In other posts I've figured you were around 17 yrs. In the "How many members in your family play hockey" thread you said only you and your dad play hockey.

Trust me on this one, no parent would "forget" to list their son!

A blatant lie in a thread about someone else being dishonest??!! Give me a break!

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This is bunk,

I directly said that I needed that stick for this thursday b/c my son is going to a camp and needed it...

You've bred?

Well Peter, I usually sit in the bushes and notice the - ahem - inconsistencies and wait for some other MSHer to point them out - but in this case I'll make an exception.

Can't see why you are lying about having a son. In other posts I've figured you were around 17 yrs. In the "How many members in your family play hockey" thread you said only you and your dad play hockey.

Trust me on this one, no parent would "forget" to list their son!

A blatant lie in a thread about someone else being dishonest??!! Give me a break!

hahahahah he said he was 32 B)

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This is bunk,

I directly said that I needed that stick for this thursday b/c my son is going to a camp and needed it...

You've bred?

Well Peter, I usually sit in the bushes and notice the - ahem - inconsistencies and wait for some other MSHer to point them out - but in this case I'll make an exception.

Can't see why you are lying about having a son. In other posts I've figured you were around 17 yrs. In the "How many members in your family play hockey" thread you said only you and your dad play hockey.

Trust me on this one, no parent would "forget" to list their son!

A blatant lie in a thread about someone else being dishonest??!! Give me a break!

hahahahah he said he was 32 B)

Benefit of the doubt - hmm - Perhaps that is his jersey number?

I just checked the family players thread again ... he says "only two"


  Posted: Aug 7 2006, 07:06 PM

 We only have 2 in our family me and my dad

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Normally I'm against supposed screwings of members here but I couldn't care less what happens in this instance.

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I think I would have to agree with mack, here. You've done nothing but lie on this board. Did you even buy the sticks? Or just say you did?

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So he hasn't answerd in 4-5 days, thats no reason to start a thread about him.

And as for the ebay buying and selling he does, if you bought a pair of skates for $1 and they didn't fit would you sell them on for the same price or the going rate?

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