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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shock Doctor Jock problem

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Hey guys, the shock doctor cup I have that looks like it has a carbon fibre plate on the from is cracking where it's held by the rivets. I've taken a few sticks to the balls but no major shots. Anything like this happen to you guys?

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I'd blame global economy - everything is made in Asia these days.

BTW, guys who use this cup, does it slide around in your case? In mine - in my Itech Pro licra shorts it does if don't push it all the way to the bottom of the cup pocket. Distracts from playing big time.

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I'd blame global economy - everything is made in Asia these days.

BTW, guys who use this cup, does it slide around in your case? In mine - in my Itech Pro licra shorts it does if don't push it all the way to the bottom of the cup pocket. Destracts from playing big time.

Just because something is made in Asia doesn't always been less quality.

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I'd blame global economy - everything is made in Asia these days.

BTW, guys who use this cup, does it slide around in your case? In mine - in my Itech Pro licra shorts it does if don't push it all the way to the bottom of the cup pocket. Destracts from playing big time.

Just because something is made in Asia doesn't always been less quality.

having kids working 16 hour days, 7 days a week, making less then $30 a month and have no idea what the product they are making is used for i think would affect quality just a bit... ;)

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I'd blame global economy - everything is made in Asia these days.

BTW, guys who use this cup, does it slide around in your case? In mine - in my Itech Pro licra shorts it does if don't push it all the way to the bottom of the cup pocket. Destracts from playing big time.

Just because something is made in Asia doesn't always been less quality.

having kids working 16 hour days, 7 days a week, making less then $30 a month and have no idea what the product they are making is used for i think would affect quality just a bit... ;)

says the man w/ the asian girl avatar ;)

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I'd blame global economy - everything is made in Asia these days.

BTW, guys who use this cup, does it slide around in your case? In mine - in my Itech Pro licra shorts it does if don't push it all the way to the bottom of the cup pocket. Destracts from playing big time.

Just because something is made in Asia doesn't always been less quality.

having kids working 16 hour days, 7 days a week, making less then $30 a month and have no idea what the product they are making is used for i think would affect quality just a bit... ;)

I guess your good at stereotyping :rolleyes:

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I'm sure it's not kids making molded plastic peices.

They probobly have...hmmm...what do you call them....


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I'd blame global economy - everything is made in Asia these days.

BTW, guys who use this cup, does it slide around in your case? In mine - in my Itech Pro licra shorts it does if don't push it all the way to the bottom of the cup pocket. Destracts from playing big time.

Just because something is made in Asia doesn't always been less quality.

Agree. I guess most of consumers would prefer stuff made in Canada, USA, etc. As for Asia - Japan is known for good quality products. I don't think they make any hockey gear. Probably not. But I also think they should. We'd all benefit from that.

I would love to have a Sony jock and Honda skates.

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