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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Special Edition Vectors?

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I've had my 2005 Vector 6.0s for about a month now. I just realized they said Special Edition on them. Does anyone know what this means or what the difference is between these and normal Vectors? Thanks ;)

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I've had my 2005 Vector 6.0s for about a month now. I just realized they said Special Edition on them. Does anyone know what this means or what the difference is between these and normal Vectors? Thanks ;)

did u buy them from a source for sports store

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Pantherfan: those skates are specially made for Bandy, a sport played on a ice surfaces the size of a soccer pitch, with sticks similar to field hockey sticks & a small orange rubber ball.

Weird sport, but alot of great skaters.

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Pantherfan: those skates are specially made for Bandy, a sport played on a ice surfaces the size of a soccer pitch, with sticks similar to field hockey sticks & a small orange rubber ball.

Never heard of it, wheres that played in? UK?

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dunno 10-11 atleast. +substitutes.

Is played widely in Northern Sweden/Finland and Russia. and not really that many other places.

Exists in Canada, but is very uncommon.

Floorball is called Innebandy (indoor bandy) in Sweden.

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they are probably 6.5's. It is the same basic skate as the 6.0's but with a couple added features from the 7.0's. They are THG's special edition skates that you can get from places like hockeymonkey

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These are a Source for Sports SMU. Although this is last years skate, it does have a few material changes that were not offered in the regular line 6.0



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Pantherfan: those skates are specially made for Bandy, a sport played on a ice surfaces the size of a soccer pitch, with sticks similar to field hockey sticks & a small orange rubber ball.

Weird sport, but alot of great skaters.

I would love to try some bandy skates for reffing.

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