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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any one know a free keylogger or a not too much expensive one?? I think it could be very useful for me... :blink:


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Any one know a free keylogger or a not too much expensive one?? I think it could be very useful for me... :ph34r:


are you a spy?

You realize that if he tells you, he'll have to kill you... ;) :lol:

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Any one know a free keylogger or a not too much expensive one?? I think it could be very useful for me... :ph34r:


are you a spy?

You realize that if he tells you, he'll have to kill you... ;) :lol:

Mmm... But it would be useful to find out.

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Im sure a spy could find a keylogger in a stealth form, and not have to ask us MSHers ;). Whos password are you trying to steal?

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My sister never understands why her myspace gets changed... I'm evil!!

Family keylogger, my family is retarded. (Google it)

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Okay... well i would like to see with who and what the f*ck can my gf say on Messenger.

I would like to install this keylogger on her computer. I already have her email password, but i wont sign on and talk to the people i want to know What she say to people...i'm sure they are shit going on,maybe not dramatic but....

Do i need to tell you more about??

I found one 007 keylogger, but it need to be actived every time you log on..pretty useless.. i saw one that his very nice ''Remote Keylogger'' but come on!! I wont pay 90!!

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If you don't trust what she is saying in her IM's that lack of trust isn't going to go away, even if a keylogger doesn't turn anything up.

You will just think that these conversations are happening in other ways. On the phone, in person, etc. It won't end with a keylogger, but your relationship will end when your possesivness and prying escalates beyond the level you are at now.

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wow man, Ive been through all this shit in relationships, and all this does is make you crazy. Jelousy and overprotectivness really fuck up a relationship. A keylogger isnt really what you are looking for, it will just get her side of the conversaion. You are looking for an aim logger. It will log both sides of the convo... but be carefull man, this shit will make you loco.

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Thats the one i used, very stealth, has to be activated by keystrokes, and you can settup passwords and shit....

now if u REALLY wanna go crazy, you can do this...

setup gotomypc on her computer, and you can spy on her in real time. If she is not really computer savy she will nto even realize the little tray.icon is there. But if she has a chance in figuring out what it is, just use another program (i forogto what the one i used was) that will hide tray icons. So you can access her computer at any time. You can spy on her, and you can even access the logs form ur house, but just make sure shes not gonna be on the pc or she will see you doing it..

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yeah man, without trust, there is no relationship. You will end up fighting all of the time and your relaitonship will slowly die. Its tough though. You cant just trust somebody. And you think, well if I just look at what shes doing I can trust her. But then you really WANT TO find something, just so you can throw it in her face. You almost want to lose.

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And you think, well if I just look at what shes doing I can trust her.  But then you really WANT TO find something, just so you can throw it in her face.  You almost want to lose.

Actually, your right, i had LOT of trust in her since 2 years, actually i was the problem!! lol but i knew i was O.K but she couldnt trust me at 100%!!.

Anyways,i will not tell my personal life but, she did something wrong 1 weeks ago, and im sure if i would have read her msn conversation, nothing like this would have happened.

You know, girls are like that, they always want to make us, guys, feel bad and asshole, and girls want to be like angel. :rolleyes:

That why i would like to have sometype of remote logger to know if she is a REAL angel, or she is can say stupid thing about me or get in some <<cruise>> game..

You know what im talking about?? i swear i wont get crazy, and what she say on the phone is her thing, but at least i will know what going on , on the computer.. :ph34r:

Thanks for any other advice guys!!!

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Well with me, she didnt really trust me from the start (for no reason actually). So then she started to trust me, and I started to trust her less and less. Most relationships do not have balance. When you find a relationship with balance, stick with it. When you both love each other equallly and have mutual respect and would do anything for each other, thats when you are in a great relationship.

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I have 2 things to say here:

1) Vapor's right on what he's been saying; if you can't trust her, it's not worth it.

2) Why don't you just tell us what she did that you thought you could've prevented (by supposedly reading her MSN conversation) last week. Have you even read the convo? If not, why are you POSITIVE that if you read it you could've done something? Lack of trust equals bad.

Just a little bit of food for thought.

EDIT: Part 2 was basically impossible to understand.

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see now the thing with the logging or spying is that even if you do find out what shes doing, its not going to make things better. She is doing what she is doing for a reason. I had a three year relationship end recently. We were pretty much attached at the hip, and she was one of those girls who was planning the marrige since day one. The breakup was pretty much both of ours faults I guess, we both screwed up. If she is cheating on you or doing shit behind your back, confronting her about it will NOT make it better. Just start treating her better, and improve your communication. Tell her you dont think you have been doing your best to make her happy lately and do shit she wants to do. Relationships are tough man, but this shit will only make you go crazy and make her trust you LESS.

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You're missing the point entirely. Snooping around like this puts you on a slippery slope that goes towards stalking.

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I konw, I know...stupid curiosity i should say... just trying to find something bad so i could throw it up in her face...

i should just back-up and nevermind this, but like i said, maybe there is a litttle bit of curiosity in me..

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I konw, I know...stupid curiosity i should say... just trying to find something bad so i could throw it up in her face...

i should just back-up and nevermind this, but like i said, maybe there is a litttle bit of curiosity in me..

well it sounds like your just looking for a fight with her if thats the case why bother?

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I don't know what kind of dirt you think she'll have for you to dig up, but is it worth having it eat at you? It seriously won't feel any better if you find anything concrete that validates your suspicion.

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CobrAA, many of us have been in a similar situation as you. I think most people would agree that the relationship is no longer healthy when you want to act upon the desire to "just know...."

There are two things I've learned over the years:

1) When you're with someone who's good for you, it's just so much easier. There's so much less turmoil. Both people can go off to do their own thing, without the other feeling abandoned or jealous. Neither one will feel compelled to check up on the other.

2) It's okay for a relationship to come to an end. It gives you an opportunity to take stock of what qualities you're looking for in another person -- and to learn how to become a better person yourself.

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