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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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thats a little bit too life like for me....

Genpets Online Support - FAQ's

Are Genpets Real animals? How?

Genpets are living, breathing mammals. Bio-Genica is a Bioengineering Company that has combined, and modified existing DNA to create the Genpets lineup. Genpets have blood, bones, and muscle; they will bleed if you cut them, and die if mistreated just like any other animal. The electronic components are only in the packages and are for basic life support, outside of the packages the Genpets are wholly organic.

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That is disturbing on so many levels. I like how they offer two different lifespans though, but the optional tooth remover raises more questions.

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This was pretty scary. Until I read this.

Do Genpets grow hair?

Very Little. Genpets only grow a small amount of hair under their armpits and are still allergen free.

and this

How are the personalities controlled?

The Genpet feeding packs are color coded and specially formulated with a custom drug mixture that can be used to control the Genpet, much like human drugs can such as Ritalin or Lithium and other behaviour modifying drugs. Thus we can calm them, or stimulate them without extra tampering to the DNA structure.

A really good way to make people take notice.

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Oh Damn, my fun has been spoiled!

I read that last night - and really enjoyed the site. The media links are amazing! I couldn't believe how much time and effort had gone into having the whole thing hang together.

I went to bed just chortling with anticipation of all the crazy posts that were going to be made about GenPets. Awww, why couldn't you have let them go on for just a little while before telling them it isn't real.

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In the press section they list magazines etc. that have supposedly written articles about GenPets, and the month they've selected actually has relevant editorial. That takes a ton of effort.


AI and Society Magazine (Jan-Mar, 2006 . publisher, Springer)

Link for the terminally curious

Of course I found this even funnier when I was thinking AI was Artificial Insemination rather than Artificial Intelligence.

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Will it break rules, and misbehave?

I'd love to kick the shit out of one of those things. Make 'em learn the hard way.

That's funny, I've been feeling that way about some of our members lately.

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That's funny, I've been feeling that way about some of our members lately.

No doubt.

The things i'd do for an Ignore button now adays. Is it possible with this boards software?

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