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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What is the red Easton stick in this picture?

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i think thats a new synergy st grip.. why would a player who can get basically any stick he want, use an old si core grip? that and the sicore grip was a darker red, not orange..

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i think thats a new synergy st grip.. why would a player who can get basically any stick he want, use an old si core grip? that and the sicore grip was a darker red, not orange..

Because some players have a stick preference.. Just because a stick is old, doesn't make it obsolete.

That is a sicore grip.. no doubt about it.. ST's didn't even come in that color if you ordered it custom..


Its not orange.. its just looks that way because of the lighting.

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There is one very easy way to tell that it is not a current stick.

The ST, as well as all 2005-present sticks, has the newer style "Easton" font.

The stick is a Si-Core Grip. End of story. Goodnight.

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There is one very easy way to tell that it is not a current stick.

The ST, as well as all 2005-present sticks, has the newer style "Easton" font.

The stick is a Si-Core Grip. End of story. Goodnight.

no bed time story?

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i think thats a new synergy st grip.. why would a player who can get basically any stick he want, use an old si core grip? that and the sicore grip was a darker red, not orange..

we went over this if you read the whole topic you would know that the synergy logo is too towards the center instead of closer to the blade as the 05-06 sticks are painted

and why not get the stick that you like even if it is a couple years old

you dont see naslund just getting a OPS just cause its the hot new thing, he gets the stick that he feels most comfortable

think before you post

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