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Skates for pudgy duck feet

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it's hard to make a chart that can show all the info needed for properly fitting a skate(my goalie skates actually pinch my toes downward, thats not a usual measurement). It's a wonderful idea but not a realistic one.

But maybe a chart telling you what skates "tend" to fit narrower in the heel/midfoot might eliminate some of the threads about skate fitting.

Or maybe a chart with current retail price(if you're legally allowed to post that because i see the "call for price" on every site). With it's basic attributes as to fit, materials and holders as well as a sizing chart. I wouldn't want to put all the info down but maybe someone might :lol:

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it's hard to make a chart that can show all the info needed for properly fitting a skate(my goalie skates actually pinch my toes downward, thats not a usual measurement). It's a wonderful idea but not a realistic one.

But maybe a chart telling you what skates "tend" to fit narrower in the heel/midfoot might eliminate some of the threads about skate fitting.

Or maybe a chart with current retail price(if you're legally allowed to post that because i see the "call for price" on every site). With it's basic attributes as to fit, materials and holders as well as a sizing chart. I wouldn't want to put all the info down but maybe someone might :lol:

It's not our job to do all the work for online merchants. Go to your local shop and work with them.

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Yeah those PIAS SMUs are POS

I loved mine.. but then again, I am kinda minimalistic with my gear :D

I still play in cooper shoulder pads :D

The less a pad/skate/glove restricts me, the more I generally like it.

There was a PIAS right behind the rink where my shop was and I used to see all kinds of PIAS SMUs. The quality of the low-end stuff wasn't good at all. Most of them were falling apart within a month of purchase.

Am I just a panzy or something? My blacktacks lasted my first season on college hockey VERY well. They are still in great condition.. No tearing, no breakage, no cracks in the holder and the stitching is still perfectly intact. I am not even sure what tacks model number they compare to (Nicer than 452's, Not as nice as 652's).

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Thanks for all the great suggestions.  Yeah, it's his first pair of skates ever, so we aren't looking for anything stiff.  And probably nothing uncomfortable that will turn him off skating.  He's not set on hockey in the future, but it's a nice goal.  He needs to learn to skate first!!  Baby steps....
if he is just learning to skate why not have him buy a pair of rec skates...  those are super comfy and will work fine as long as he doesn't go anywhere near a puck.

Just so I understand, do you have a link or a reference to what you're calling a rec skate?

For example...



I have duck feet (though far from pudgy). I don't recommend hockey skates as a first ice skate. For example, I find anything Bauer bad for duck feet; Bauer footbeds (not insoles) are too pronounced for a foot that doesn't arch. Go with rec. skates for now, far more comfortable and better chances of fitting (provided you can find them). There's no value in footwear that will hurt your friend's feet.

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Thanks for all your input here guys.

We went into HG looking to try some of the skates that were on sale this weekend. We ended up fitting him in some 5090's. He tried on a couple pairs of different skates and was digging the 2090's which were one of the ones on sale ($60!) but they didn't have his size. So we ended up stepping to the next level. I was somewhat surprised at how he found the Bauers to fit well as I was sure his feet would be too wide. But he walked around for 15 mins and didn't feel any pain, so mission accomplished. Given the width of his feet I'm sure he has a pretty snug fit, which is good.

On a bit of a tangent...what's the standard bake time for these? 7 mins? The reason I ask is that's how long they were in the oven for and they molded really well to his feet. Mine went in for less time (it was a different salesperson) and compared to his, the sidewalls of the skate still want to point straight up. Maybe I should have mine re-baked?

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im flat footed and the 5090's are killing my feet...

the pain for me starts after around 15-30 mins on the ice...

still trying to find solutions :P

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That sounds a lot like foot swelling issues. Lacing them looser across the arch should help.

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