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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How much do you pay for a sharpening

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At my store the first sharpening is always free(if you bought the skates from us) and in addition we give you 10 free sharenings with every skate purchase.

that doesn't make sense...

My post is pretty straight foward, what dosen't make sense.

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I am the hockey category buyer and skate sharpening instructor for a chain of stores in Metro Detroit.  I also manage one of their stores.

Wow, you referred someone to me in New York all the way from Detroit? I didn't know my reputation spread all the way to Detroit. I have two teammates from Detroit. They both used to go to Windsor, Ontario to get thier skates sharpened. Said all the Detroit sharpeners sucked. :)

Friends can be biased...plus he probably still wants the friend discount when he goes home.

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At my store the first sharpening is always free(if you bought the skates from us) and in addition we give you 10 free sharenings with every skate purchase.

that doesn't make sense...

My post is pretty straight foward, what dosen't make sense.

Oops, I read it wrong. :ph34r:

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$ 7 for regular

$35.00 for 10 sharp card = 3.50 a sharpen if you buy skates at the shop

$15 if the skates have never been sharpened before

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I am the hockey category buyer and skate sharpening instructor for a chain of stores in Metro Detroit.  I also manage one of their stores.

Wow, you referred someone to me in New York all the way from Detroit? I didn't know my reputation spread all the way to Detroit. I have two teammates from Detroit. They both used to go to Windsor, Ontario to get thier skates sharpened. Said all the Detroit sharpeners sucked. :)

Friends can be biased...plus he probably still wants the friend discount when he goes home.

No...not exactly. But if it gets you through the night...

The guy in question lives in NYC. (I am originally from Long Island) He sent me his skates to be repaired because there weren't anyone in that area who could sharpen/repair skates. I sharpened them for him as well, and to this day, still the best job he's had.

This was 3 years ago. This is when I worked in Florida.

He was still having trouble finding a good sharpener in the City. I told him there was a M-E shop in NYC, and to give them a shot. I believe he got his skates punched out by you guys.

I have only worked in Michigan for a year.

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where is your metro NYC location?

In our shop, hockey is $6, goalie is $8, and 1st time is $12. First sharpening with purchase is free. Hockey sharpening card buy 8 for $48, get 2 free for 10 total. A lot of our mens league guys come over from NYC. Keeps the sharpeners busy on week-nights. Now I know why!

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I am the hockey category buyer and skate sharpening instructor for a chain of stores in Metro Detroit.  I also manage one of their stores.

Wow, you referred someone to me in New York all the way from Detroit? I didn't know my reputation spread all the way to Detroit. I have two teammates from Detroit. They both used to go to Windsor, Ontario to get thier skates sharpened. Said all the Detroit sharpeners sucked. :)

Friends can be biased...plus he probably still wants the friend discount when he goes home.

No...not exactly. But if it gets you through the night...

The guy in question lives in NYC. (I am originally from Long Island) He sent me his skates to be repaired because there weren't anyone in that area who could sharpen/repair skates. I sharpened them for him as well, and to this day, still the best job he's had.

This was 3 years ago. This is when I worked in Florida.

He was still having trouble finding a good sharpener in the City. I told him there was a M-E shop in NYC, and to give them a shot. I believe he got his skates punched out by you guys.

I have only worked in Michigan for a year.

Jr's sharpening job is still the best one I've had to date. Westside's m-e job is close though. The big thing about jr is the blade finish as he gets the glide surface downright glossy and that makes gliding feel great (ask any t-blade guy). I'm mainly glad that someone of that caliber is finally in business here.

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$7 for one, $25 for 5.

I've got to talk to the shop about a season/yearly pass thing. I wonder if shops make or lose money on something like that. More traffic in the store has got to lead to more sales, even if the sharpening makes them less. I wonder what the break-even point is.

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lets see... the most here in raleigh is $8 (for on the spot sharpenings) usually around $5-6 everywhere else.

I pay my guy $5 (he works for the rink that charges $8, but i pay him and he doesnt ring it up ;) )

If you want the Canes head equipment manger to do it, he charges $10 for a sharpening or $30 for a sharpening and balance. i will say the balance job is top notch and worth doing it at least once, he sets the rocker and pitch and all that to whatever you and he figure out.

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I am the hockey category buyer and skate sharpening instructor for a chain of stores in Metro Detroit.  I also manage one of their stores.

Wow, you referred someone to me in New York all the way from Detroit? I didn't know my reputation spread all the way to Detroit. I have two teammates from Detroit. They both used to go to Windsor, Ontario to get thier skates sharpened. Said all the Detroit sharpeners sucked. :)

Friends can be biased...plus he probably still wants the friend discount when he goes home.

No...not exactly. But if it gets you through the night...

The guy in question lives in NYC. (I am originally from Long Island) He sent me his skates to be repaired because there weren't anyone in that area who could sharpen/repair skates. I sharpened them for him as well, and to this day, still the best job he's had.

This was 3 years ago. This is when I worked in Florida.

He was still having trouble finding a good sharpener in the City. I told him there was a M-E shop in NYC, and to give them a shot. I believe he got his skates punched out by you guys.

I have only worked in Michigan for a year.

Hey JR, you threw the first shot - all in good fun - don't feel the need to over explain - I could beat my chest too but let's not get personal.

I've spoken to alot of u.s. & canadian shop owners - all prices on service/mark-up/discount packages, etc are relative to geography. real estate in NYC is some of the most expensive anywhere but go upstate ny or saskatchewan or a minnessota suburb and rents etc are a fraction. It's all business boys & girls. And retail does not always work in favor of the shop owners. How many proshop owners you see rollin in a mercedes or a porsche? That being said customers are the ultimate judge. They wont overpay for a crappy job. We are as good as anyone out there. I make the blade bottoms like a mirror, too and have tried different finishing polishes etc. On the sub-standard ice of NYC that finish is not often appreciated. I always experiment on my skates so I know what my customers can expect. If a shop is charging nothing for sharpens, then they are making their money somewhere else or more concerned getting a high # of skaters thru their door.

Okay, enuf Owning a Hockey Pro Shop 101. God bless all the lucky skaters who pay little or nothing for sharps. I wish I didn't have to charge that much but I sleep like a baby knowing I give 'em as good as they can get.

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where is your metro NYC location?

In our shop, hockey is $6, goalie is $8, and 1st time is $12. First sharpening with purchase is free. Hockey sharpening card buy 8 for $48, get 2 free for 10 total. A lot of our mens league guys come over from NYC. Keeps the sharpeners busy on week-nights. Now I know why!

you're not getting NYC players because of our prices. you're getting them because the reputation in NYC since Peck & Goodie closed was that there wasn't a good place to have skates done. That's why we started up. We are still a bit of a secret but growing more & more each week. We could advertise but word of mouth is so much stronger. We started in an apartment and now have a space on 5th Avenue.

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