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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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s300 to s500

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My dad recently bought s300s off of ebay. He wore them for about 15 games give or take a few. He got a good price for them and all, but he doesn't like how they are weak laterally i guess. (i believe he is reffering to side to side not forward, because he talked about turning being harder) I have never worn a mission skate so i do not know if the s500 would be stiffer. I know it is a carbon boot and im assuming it will be stiffer but would a s500 fix the lateral weekness he is expirencing? Oh yeah before I get reamed with "use the search" posts i thought id mention that i did use the search briefly and couldnt find a comparison between the two with my brief search.

thanks in advance


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There is a huge difference between the 300 and the 500. IMO the 500 would likely fix the "lateral weakness" he is talking about...BUT........... people have different ideas of what stiffness is - what was his previous skate?

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DOes he mean when he is turning, or moving exactly side to side?

Keep in mind that the ankles are not as restricted as with other skates. How much does he weigh?

Perhaps the 300s are too soft for him. There's a world of difference between them and the S500.

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I dont know exactly what he means, i just know he says he has to tie them extremely tight for them to feel ok. He weighs about 180 give or take i guess i dunno exactly lol.

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It sounds like the Supplefit doesn't match up well with him. May be mental, I know it screwed around with my head alot and I never really got used to the suplefit (I had PureFlys).

Maybe the new non-supplefit Missions would be more up his alley? I can't remember if it's the Fuel or AG

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The Fuel AG is the successor to the Supplefit (S) line. The Fuel XPis the successor to the litefit (L) line. Litefits are stiffer and higher cut boots than the supplefit.

(there are not necessarily direct connections from the old S and L lines to the new fuels, It's more that the AG took the place of the S and the XP took the place of the L. They are a whole new series of skates.)

I picked up a set of L7's recently and they are very stiff with lots of ankle support. They're going for a bit cheaper than the S500s as well. Coming from my broken down XXs and my tour inlines, It may take me a little while to adjust, but I'd rather have too much ankle support than not enough.

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The Fuel AG is the successor to the Supplefit (S) line. The Fuel XPis the successor to the litefit (L) line. Litefits are stiffer and higher cut boots than the supplefit.

(there are not necessarily direct connections from the old S and L lines to the new fuels, It's more that the AG took the place of the S and the XP took the place of the L. They are a whole new series of skates.)

I picked up a set of L7's recently and they are very stiff with lots of ankle support. They're going for a bit cheaper than the S500s as well. Coming from my broken down XXs and my tour inlines, It may take me a little while to adjust, but I'd rather have too much ankle support than not enough.

My son is outgrowing his used CCM 952s, and wants skates that are softer in the ankles. In addition to the Mission S300 / S500 / Fuel AGs, are there other skates that we should look at? These will be his first pair of new skates.

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My son is outgrowing his used CCM 952s, and wants skates that are softer in the ankles. In addition to the Mission S300 / S500 / Fuel AGs, are there other skates that we should look at? These will be his first pair of new skates.

Graf 707 or 727, good luck finding them in youth sizes though. The 300s are really cheap online right now.

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