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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Advisement

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Hey everyone,

I am an offensive defenseman at Roller Hockey player and I need some advice. I have used only Easton OPS in the past, Lidstrom curve to be specific. I love how easy it is to raise slapshots but my stick handling was not to be desired. The stick also broke pretty easily. Can someone else suggest a different company/curve for my needs? I like a stiff stick 90-110 and I am right handed. Thanks.

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Welcome to ModSquad Hockey. Most people will tell you that choosing a stick is very much personal preference when it comes to your pattern but if you'e concerned about durability I'd steer awat from Easton and Bauer sticks. You might want to try some TPS OPS as their sticks are tanks durability wise, have a wise array of patterns, and also perform pretty damn well.

The lidstrom is more of a heel curve but if you want something more balanced, find a mid curve pattern. The "Pattern DB" button at the top of this page provides a pretty comprhensive data base of manufacturer's retail patterns and you can sort by all sorts of criteria. If you want something that will give your shots a rise like your old stick look for something with an "open" face.

I hope this was helpful!

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Ive been playing for some time and I know its personal preference. I was thinking maybe a Drury curve, or something similar, would suit my needs. Nice heel curve slightly open. But not very open, so should keep my shots controlled? Anyone? How about Warrior sticks?

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Warrior sticks seem to hold up pretty well provided you don't get a cheapie (like the Royale).

The Kovalev would probably be the Warrior pattern you'd like most if you're sold on the heel.

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I like to play the same as you (offensive defender.) you may find a more mid curve better for stick handling, So id suggest maybe the TPS nash, (sakic clone). Its still nice and open for rising slappers.

I had a Nash XN10 and it was awesome. Great performer and pretty much a tank!

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If your fishing for a stick and a curve might I suggest a 2 piece tapered shaft:best of both worlds. This would allow you to play with different curves w/o breaking the bank

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Mission's Ribeiro is a smaller heel.

I would also suggest something like an Easton Forsberg/Bauer PM9/Warrior Fedorov/Mission Elias (Boyes for 2007, IIRC). It's a mid-heel with a small curve and a slightly open face and around a 5 lie. I find this to be a very versatile curve and easy to stickhandle with. I play D as well, but play up front in pickup and on the PP from time to time and use this curve. It will be a little bit harder to pick top corners with slappers from the point, but it's great for taking low, hard shots for deflections/create rebounds in front.

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If your fishing for a stick and a curve might I suggest a 2 piece tapered shaft:best of both worlds. This would allow you to play with different curves w/o breaking the bank

Actually.... thinking about it.... This is a much better option. From the tapered shafts and OPS ive used, Ive hardly noticed a difference performance wise!

I prefered my XN10 shaft+L-2 blade over my ST. May have been the flex though.

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The thing I loved about heel curves is the ease in hard fast rising slappers from the point. Id be willing to use another curve but this is a necessity for my gameplay.

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I agree with the others that have suggested a two-piece combo. With a two-piece combo, you have the freedom of changing curves, without having to drop tons of money on a brand new stick, which you would have to do with a OPS. Possibly a TPS paired with a Warrior Dolomite blade may do the trick. The Dolomite blade is the most responsive out of any blade I've used, and the Draper (Sakic) curve is money for raising your shot.

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I used to use a Lidstrom and I switched to the drury carve and I love it. I will never go back. My stick handling has improved but I cant say the blade is what made this happen. In my opinion it is an awesome all around curve

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The thing I loved about heel curves is the ease in hard fast rising slappers from the point. Id be willing to use another curve but this is a necessity for my gameplay.

I'd give the Drury (or a Drury clone) a try then. If you are willing to spend some time adjusting to it, you will never go back to another curve. In fact, adjusting to a Drury type pattern shouldn't be very hard for you, the Lidstrom and Drury are both heel curves, and they have the same lie angle, face angle, and curve size. Plus stick handling and snap shots will come much easier with the Drury (or clone). Just my two cents.

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Hockey Monkey blades dont say if they are tapered or not!... Well most of them anyway. Can anyone clarify this or help me out. Im trying to find a Drury/clone tapered blade. Just need to know which models are tapered. Thanks.

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Bauer Vapor XV and Supreme 7500 are tapered.

I'm not sure if it's a Drury clone, but the P106 is a heel curve. Check the pattern DB at the top of the page.

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I ended up going with the TPS RL Xn10 Stiff Flex with a Warrior Weight Blade.

Weight- Heel Moderate Open 4.5 Round .... according to epuck.com

What do you guys think? Couldnt find an exact Drury clone without buying an Easton blade ( which i am not partial to due to durability) Thanks for all the help.

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Sounds like you made a good choice as I've read good things about the TPS response sticks and shafts - since you're not entirely sure about the curve you want getting a shaft was an especially good idea. It'll be pretty easy for you to try out a few different curves starting with the Weight.

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