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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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B Neal

Custom Color RBK Helmet

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My high school teams colors are navy and gold. I'm due for a new helemet and really like the RBK helmets. I thought it would look really good to have a Navy helmet with gold inserts. Could anyone give me any information on how I could buy a helmet with these colors? Or is it possible to paint the inserts myself?

Thanks In Advance

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boston college has custom ones (maroon with gold insterts) but i'm sure they would cost alot and you would have to order more than one.

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I think i may try this. They also make "paint pens" with gold that I could try.

yeah that would be good

but they make spraypaint markers

it for graffiti but bet they would be good for this

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Or just stick with a plain navy helmet like everybody else on your team would have. Look better, and i'm sure won't void any warranty if there is one.

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Take all of the screws out of the helmet and the shell will pull away from the padding,it will be two seperate parts. Then take vinyl tape of your color choice and cover the plastic vents and cut to size. It works perfect,then just slide the pads back into the shell and put the screws back in.

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Take all of the screws out of the helmet and the shell will pull away from the padding,it will be two seperate parts. Then take vinyl tape of your color choice and cover the plastic vents and cut to size. It works perfect,then just slide the pads back into the shell and put the screws back in.

thats a bit risky dont you think

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Its a simple process and will not void warranty.

what if you lose a screw or he isnt a mr.fixit type of guyand cant put it back together

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Its a simple process and will not void warranty.

what if you lose a screw or he isnt a mr.fixit type of guyand cant put it back together

It's not rocket science. If he feels he isn't up to the task then he won't do it. no biggie.

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Its a simple process and will not void warranty.

what if you lose a screw or he isnt a mr.fixit type of guyand cant put it back together

If your manual dexterity is that bad, you need to quit hockey or ask your mom to do it for you.

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Its not gonna be that different from everyone elseo n the team cause I think quite a few kids want to do this. And yea, I'm not retarded I should be able to take it apart fine.

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