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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fishbowl VS. Birdcage

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Hey all, i gotta pick up a full cage for a tournament. Thing is im used to the half visor. So i was thinking of getting a full shield, but i didnt know how much they will fog up or if they get really hot because theres not much ventalation. Any comments on this or which ones people prefer?

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This is what I use when I play, our league requires we use a full mask, so I got one of these, great facial protection, great visison to, it doesnt fog up and it doesnt get hot due to the hole in the cage, the only thing is its very expensive. Also if the visor get scratched up, then you cna buy a 2 pack of repalcement visors. For a cheaper alternative, I would reccomed using this cage it aslo has great protection with good vison, doenst fog up and doesnt get hot. Either one are a vergy godd visor/cage combo and I would reccomed using them since you have to wear a full cage but like the visiblity of a visor. A normal full face visor will get pretty hot. Hope this helped

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cantor, you might want to give some names, the links you gave only goes to the menu, doesn't say which cage

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what kind of helment are u using that has a big factor in it full cages dont fog up if you use fogger spray but cant effect your nose by the smell which usually cause short winding if your using a bauer or jofa helment then use a bauer 3000 cage the openings are far enough apart it doenst effect the vision

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the first link i gave you was supposed to be the FX50 OPTECH, the second link I gave you was supposed to be the combo deluxe sr. Sorry about that.

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what kind of helment are u using that has a big factor in it full cages dont fog up if you use fogger spray but cant effect your nose by the smell which usually cause short winding if your using a bauer or jofa helment then use a bauer 3000 cage the openings are far enough apart it doenst effect the vision

I use a 5000 with the FX50 optech and ahv eno fogging problems what-so-ever

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I'd recomend the jofa 480 chrome cage. Cages give the best ventilation and you can barely see the bars on this one once you get used to it.

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Man, I wish I could wear a full visor instead of a cage (or at least something like the Itech Concept III) but I'm usually so hot that I fog up visors like nobody's business.

Even with defogger spray it looks like a window in a rainstorm. I just get too hot. I'm a furnace so I would imagine that my in-game temperature is one notch below where your brain starts to cook.

But anyways, I wear an Itech RBE III with the satin chrome for less reflections. It works pretty well but I may check out one of those bubble cages just to see how they feel.

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My teammate likes his Bauer Tru-vision a lot. I use a white Itech cage, not sure which one but probably the crappier one. The shape doesnt look too good but it gets the job done well enough.

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Forgot to add that my friend got one of the Oakley combos. He really likes it a lot. Go for it if you aren't afraid of sticking out.

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I had an FX-50 a few years ago and it was ok when it wasnt messed up or fogging. It stuck out kinda far though and mine started to rust.

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I'd go with the fx50 optech half/half. you get the breathability and vision of a half visor but the protection of a full cage.

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id go for the optech its a good mask i can see well in it. The only problem is that the part that attaches the mask to the helmet(dont know the name) After a while of use you need to buy a new one cuz the cage will start to fall off easly

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