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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Curving Question

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I put a ministick in boiling water for 2 minutes and then stuck it under a door and curved it.

Well, does anyone know if I could do this same procedure with an Easton Ultra ABS? If so, how long should I put it in my pot for?

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I don't think that you could do that with the Easton ABS, the ministick is plastic? the ABS is not plastic, I think that you would just stuff your blade up.

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Followed by your head.

Finnaly somone else who is sick of the idiots on the board.

Oh don't worry, there's more.

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Followed by your head.

Finnaly somone else who is sick of the idiots on the board.

Oh don't worry, there's more.

Worst part is that they never go away.. they just get banned and make new accounts.

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LOL. I have these doors with windows in them ( I think french doors ) and I almost broke one of the windows. I was a foot away from a Ministicks net and it went straight up. I was so lucky. Whew!

what where u shooting that it could break something

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The Ministicks part didn't even matter. I was asking how I should heat up my ABS blade.

You shouldn´t. Beside the ABS blades usually come in bigger curves anyway, don´t they?

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easton abs blades are horrible. they split and crack and aren't worth the wood hosel they're attached to. same goes for the bauer ones.

The only half decent abs blade out is the RBK 1K, which is the same as to old jofas, which are the same as the old titan infusions.

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The Ministicks part didn't even matter.  I was asking how I should heat up my ABS blade.

You shouldn´t. Beside the ABS blades usually come in bigger curves anyway, don´t they?

Yes the ABS blades do come in bigger curves but I don't even care about my junky BAuer stick. <----- It's the test stick.

I saw my friends stick and it was a big open heel curve (Think Jokinen P106) with a hook at the end.

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