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Official Off ice Manuals of NHL teams

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The off season is nearly over now, but I post this anyhow.

I´m training for 4 season according Ottawa Senator´s off. Off Season Manual.

It was designed for 2000.

I want to change my off seson work a little bit next summer so I want to ask if

anyone is using off- season manuals of other NHL teams, or has one designed for

2003 or posterior. We could interchange workouts if someone is interested.

I prefer to train according manuals which are created professional because it is

very different to keep suitable work:rest ratios during a summer.

Hoping anybody can help me (maybe something is downloadable on the net)


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There's a ton of better info than some manuals I've seen. The Penguins' off-season routine they used to have was a joke. Half squats and a very poorly thought out routine.

There is much better and comprehensive training info to be had.

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@ Malcb33

Rocket, is there anyway you could post you Sens Manual?

No problem, but it includes 85 pages, so i better send it to you by post mail not

via E-Mails

I´m German, let me know your adress anyhow I can try to send it to you.

But I´m actually looking for another NHL manual. I saw the one of detroit.

I think it is a joke.

I also know Speed and power - by Kevin Miehm

This Manual is great but you need at least 3 hrs a day for the daily routines and after 12 of 16 weeks you hate any dumbbell. But the core section is really great there.

I´d be happy about any aupdated nhl off season manual information.



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Cool Rocket, that would be awesome if you could post the Sens manual. I will pm you my address. Also your speed and power link doen't work (for me at least), could you check it out?

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