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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission prostock shafts

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Hmm, I didn't even think about the type of shaft. I did buy 3 Flyweights, so that may be why I got them for $20 each.

DavisP, which shafts did you buy?

ya I originaly ordered Hex-1's

They are back up on the web site and the Hex's don't have any multipule deals just the dangler, fly,and ion I think

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Well than maybe you won't be able to retain your 3/$59 deal. You could try asking if you can switch your order to one of the other shafts.

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I talked to the manager and she let me change my order to the ethers and get them for 20 a piece. Just out of curiousity how skinny are ethers/flyweights. They seemed to handle this whole situation pretty good. I could'nt really ask them for the hexs at 40% of their asking price which wasn't bad to begin with.

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Well than maybe you won't be able to retain your 3/$59 deal. You could try asking if you can switch your order to one of the other shafts.

thats exactly what you well have to do if you want a deal

I really wanted the grip shafts but the best they well do is 39.99 each No Multi deal at all

so I would go whith the fly I have a 12-9 flex and like it alot more then my M-2 shat, little extra wip, excited on getting a 90 flex (10-7) since i had to cut 2.5 inches off my other one

but you could now mabey mix and match at least flexes

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summer honored the $60 price and she even asked if I heard about this from msh!!! :lol:

yay, 3 flyweights... w00t!

HAHA me too!!

of coarse she honered it she's giving everyone the flyweights for 20 a piece

just not the hex-1

I guess it because they're older mabey??(the flyweights)

any ways I think we all got a good deal and at least they took care of the problem quikly that's all I could ask for

oh ya you might want to make sure they send you(ask for) an conformation e-mail too just to be safe

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They charged me 49.99 for one hex-1 grip shaft (didnt see the flyweight part). It sucks because any time I've ever dealt with Hockey Monkey the service has always been great. I recently bought the pro stock mission gloves there and some skates, but i dont think they'll ever get my business again.

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They charged me 49.99 for one hex-1 grip shaft (didnt see the flyweight part). It sucks because any time I've ever dealt with Hockey Monkey the service has always been great. I recently bought the pro stock mission gloves there and some skates, but i dont think they'll ever get my business again.

did you order the hex-1 at the miss print price because if you did you should be abel to get them for 39.99 each thats what I was offered

the flyweight's are the either's

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They charged me 49.99 for one hex-1 grip shaft (didnt see the flyweight part). It sucks because any time I've ever dealt with Hockey Monkey the service has always been great. I recently bought the pro stock mission gloves there and some skates, but i dont think they'll ever get my business again.

did you order the hex-1 at the miss print price because if you did you should be abel to get them for 39.99 each thats what I was offered

the flyweight's are the either's

I ordered them when they were 30 dollars each and i ordered 2....I ended up just taking 1 (it was the hex-1 grip which were apparantly 10 dollars more then non-grip). I just wish they would of stayed true to that 30 dollar price like they sold the flyweights for 20.

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Just tried calling Customer Service. The woman I spoke to wouldn't give me any help so I requested to speak to the manager. The manager is 'currently unavailable.' They'll get back to me 'as soon as possible.' I just want my stuff at an agreeable price then I'm all done with them :angry: .

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I got the call today. I wound up just getting one shaft, which frankly is more than I thought I would get when I placed the order. We'll see if it actually gets shipped. I didn't put up a fuss as I was trying to prevent my ten month-old from destroying the house while I was on the phone. Oh well, it seemed too good to be true anyway.

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Well I just checked and they readjusted my invoice for the three Flyweights for $59, so it appears that the whole situation has been rectified.

I've heard some HM CS horror stories on hear, but I'm going to have to say they handled my situation very well. You can't flame them for a misprint, and in dealing with the manager I managed to get the best official deal they adverstised.

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Their manager(summer) was more than nice. I explained the situation(I originally agreed to buy the flyweights at the new price) when I called them back and the lady I spoke with talked to Summer and she called me back and without another word she told me that she'd hold up to that $20 price. She explained to me that it was a misprint but she understood that it's pretty crappy they had to change the price but at $20 we basically got the shafts at their cost. I was more than happy with the CS at HM.

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I have to say the manager was pretty nice to give the deals she did, even if I'm still a bit angry about the whole thing. I'm still skeptical on whether it was a mix up or they just suddenly realized they could move these shafts at a higher price. Ah well, got a decent deal, but the whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth regarding HM.

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After all the info on this and previous threads, I've decided to go for the Flyweight. Now the question is Tapered or not Tapered. Does any one who've tried both have any comments?

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Older Mission products used ION to designate standard shafts and Ether to denote tapered shafts.

Oh, ok thanks Chadd. So were current Ions ever for sale?

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