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Player's religion

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With all the ludicrous gagne for naslund trade "options" I heard some where that naslund is a big Christian and big on family values.

Just curious, anyone else know any other NHL players beliefs?

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With all the ludicrous gagne for naslund trade "options" I heard some where that naslund is a big Christian and big on family values.

There are many different Christian denominations, and Naslund is Pentecostal.

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Birbraer= the kid born in Israel who got in the fight at training camp?

birbrier was not born in israel but he is an israeli citizen, first israeli citizen drafted by an NHL team (NJ).

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Just like in politics I think religion should be left out of sports. There is no reason to advertise what religion you are and it will only lead to problems. If you are religious be proud of it and keep it to yourself instead of trying to "spread the word" and alienating or pissing off people.

IMHO there is nothing worse than a before the game team prayer for a certain denomination or multiple prayers for multiple denominations except for maybe the always present team prayer circle for scoring in the NFL.

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I see a big difference in religion and politics in sports. There is nothing wrong with a Catholic performing the symbol of the Trinity before he steps of the field or the ice, or for players to pray before or after games, or for someone wearing a Star of David necklace under their uniform, or whatever other individual religious practice they wish to perform. People who are that devoted to their religion feel that their ability to play on such a stage is the ultimate gift from God or whoever they worship, and they feel the need to give thanks. As long as whatever they do isn't encroaching on anybody else, there is no problem with it. I'd rather see that type of action than that of the typical pro athlete.

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