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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Z-Carbon Stick

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How durable is this stick?

is this a good one for beginners?

lidstrom curve, 95 flex

(did a search, on the 7th page already and found

nothing about this)


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Your talking about the woodie right?

Easton woods are my favorite. I used an ultralite woodie back in my peewee days. I cant find them anymore around here, but I would love to get another one.

As far as good goes, I would never buy a wooden stick from an etalor. You dont get the same consistancy with wood as you do with carbon, so no 2 sticks are the same. Another thing is that I like to feel how heavy the stick is in my hands. For ops this isn't a huge issue because I usually try them out (usually team mates sticks) before I buy them.

How durable is this stick?

Dunno.. each woodie is different.

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Actually, Z Carbon sticks tend to be pretty consistent. Seems that the hybrid blades get produced more consistently. The durability isn't bad. It's a wood stick with a hybrid blade. Since the blade is a hybrid, the Z Carbons sticks I've used have lasted longer than just plain wood sticks. Unfortunately, they still didn't last as long as a composite blade, so I ended up switching to two piece sticks.

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These sticks are prettydurable and consistent. I ended up warping mine because the 95 flex is pretty whippy. For a beginner though the lindstrom is quite an extreme curve, I'd suggest something like a forsberg to develop skill and still have the option of a backhand. Its all personal though. :)

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How durable is this stick?

is this a good one for beginners?

lidstrom curve, 95 flex

(did a search, on the 7th page already and found

nothing about this)


Not bad for a beginner. I was breaking them fairly quickly (and I rarely break sticks) when I used them a couple yers ago.

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I was at the rink tonight and there was dead ice so I got on. I had no stick so I grabbed a Z-Carbon from the learn to play bin. I was surprised at how nice it felt. Definitely one of, if not the best feeling wood sticks I've ever used. Of course its a different curve, different lie, wrong height, I only used it for 1/2 an hour, and I hated the curve, I was still impressed.

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I was at the rink tonight and there was dead ice so I got on. I had no stick so I grabbed a Z-Carbon from the learn to play bin. I was surprised at how nice it felt. Definitely one of, if not the best feeling wood sticks I've ever used. Of course its a different curve, different lie, wrong height, I only used it for 1/2 an hour, and I hated the curve, I was still impressed.

I loved their ultralite. I used them all through peewee. If I could find one around here, I would buy it in a heartbeat. GREAT feel.

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