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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I think if these devices were so great, everyone would have one by now.

Basically, your lung capacity might exand somewhat, but I'm not sure if it would be more that by being in good cardiovascular shape. It might be good for over the course of the game in keeping the oxygen demanding muscles fresher.

See how your friend likes it first before you dish the money into that thing.

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If you can't do strenouous excercise because of a medical ailment, would this help you 'keep your wind?' I'm asking because I might be off the ice for a while and want to keep in shape.

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The only thing this would do is increase the strength of your diaphram. By resisting air flow your diaphram has to contract harder to cause the lungs to expand. This would not increase your body's ability to transfer that same volume of O2 to the bloodstream. I could see this maybe for rehab for elderly patients that have breathing issues but until I see some independent studies about how this actually translates to increased performance, I'm not buying it.

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This product would only be of benefit if you had floppy airways from smoking, lung disease or needed help removing secreations. The lung is not a muscle you can make stronger. Air is drawn into the lungs by negative preasure (expanding the diaphragm and chest cavity) and is pushed out by increasing preasure in the lungs (pushing the diaphragm into the chest cavity and shrinking the chest cavity). Gas exchange takes place in the alvioli (air sacks). If you have ruined the airways and/or alvioli it doesn't matter how strong your diaphragm or accessory muscles are you will have a tough time getting O2 to the cells. What this devise will do is put a little back pressure on the lungs during exhalation, this causes floppy airways and alvioli to stay open and be less likely to collapse on themselves. Thus help people breath easier who have lung disease. You can do the samething by pursing your lips (like you are going to wistle) as you breath out. This can help you catch your breath and slow your breathing down. If it is too easy for you, purse tighter. If your lungs are healthy this product will not give you any benefit. The only way to increase endurance is by doing cardio. Asthma is an airway constriction problem, not a weak muscle problem. You will need medication to relax the muscles around the airways and to take down airway swelling.

Sorry so long.

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When the hell did I imply that?

All I was asking was if anybody use tried using something like this and might give this product a go. You don't jump to conclusions about people smoking or having breathing problems in that Oxia topic.

And my breathing is fine thanks.

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Hey, Joe Camel, don't get so defensive.

Who's Joe Camel?

I won't get into it but personal reasons caused me to be strongly against smoking. So yeah, I do have a reason to be defensive thank you.

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