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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pro return inno - Mogo, etc.

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Hey Chris.H, here is that pro Mogilny toe curve you wanted

And chances are that Mogo Novius is really a painted-over 1100. I spoke to someone at Inno (he said he looked after all the pro orders) the other day about a Travis Green Novius, and he said that virtually every pro issue Novius is a painted 1100.

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i actually have a green pro return, would it be a 1100?

what are the differences?

I'm pretty certain it would be because the Inno guy told me that Green's are in fact 1100's. I actually saw a couple of his pro returns in a Toronto store afterward and one had some paint peeling, and you could see the 1100 paint job underneath. I'm no expert, but I think the main difference is that the retail Novius' have the Boron Spine, which creates an unequal flex on the forehand vs. backhand side. In other words, the shaft is side-specific. The explanation I got from Inno was that the pros don't need/want this, but some prefer the Novius paint job or agree to use it.

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Thats funny, I felt a real difference between my Mogo Novius and the Dereruax 1100 I had. Goalie Heaven got a bunch of pro stock XX`s in too, I`ll post them if I`m allowed.

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I'll be in Toronto for a tourney this weekend, and was wondering if I'd be able to purchase these straight from the store or if they have those XX's out on display to biuy Chris. I'm thinking of stopping here and Just Hockey, I'm mainly interested in a Gary Roberts Pro return. I'd call and ask, but my phone bill is racking up a bit, I've called alot to talk about some warranty issue with my wheel problem. Feel free to PM me.

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Chadd's right... the Inno Hull and Hespeler Roberts/Smyth are the same.

The old wood Roberts are very different

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Odd as it may sound Pro stock are cheaper and easier to find than those that you mentioned. I've seen one Hull Inno and that isn't the flex I am looking for, where the Smyth/Roberts are almost non-existant around here, but I do appreciate the help. I'll definately keep an eye out, warranties are always an added bonus. As well two out of the three sticks I've seen him use are not of either of those brands. That Zyuzins definately caught my eye too, nothing like a new curve to break a slump.

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Chadd's right... the Inno Hull and Hespeler Roberts/Smyth are the same.

The old wood Roberts are very different

The last two years composites have been identical though.

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Yeah, they are. I'm still trying to get used to the toe. It seems the Stick Fairy arranged another dropoff.

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It's perfect for me. I like a low lie with no rocker. The toe is a little funky, but doesn't bug me too much.

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I'll be in Toronto for a tourney this weekend, and was wondering if I'd be able to purchase these straight from the store or if they have those XX's out on display to biuy Chris. I'm thinking of stopping here and Just Hockey, I'm mainly interested in a Gary Roberts Pro return. I'd call and ask, but my phone bill is racking up a bit, I've called alot to talk about some warranty issue with my wheel problem. Feel free to PM me.

I called Goalie Heaven about an 1100 yesterday and they said I could buy it directly at the store, so I think the answer is yes. If you want to be sure, call their toll free number from the eBay page (1-800-933-4555). The Roberts 1100's and True 1s were still at Just Hockey when I was in there last week. It's the store at 900 Don Mills Rd, just north of Eglinton. They have a toll free too if you want to check before going there - 1-866-JST-HCKY .

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Awesome, I really appreciate the help. I wasn't aware of Goalie Heavens number, but I knew Just Hockey had a toll free number, unfortunately it doesn't work, at least not from within Ontario.

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