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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Rbk stick offering?

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At B's rookie camp a couple of guys were sporting a crimson colored Rbk ops with very little graphics and some Flyweight looking stuff down by the connection point area. Something new or a custom graphic?

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I'm liking the "kick zone" Looks like a whole lotta taper.

any idea when these will come to market? or have you said too much already?

And is that "T"in the square (top left of pic) the same as the T on CCM ops? in other words, is RBK coming out with a C geometry ops?

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looks kinda like the design of the one90 except that its rbk and its different colors

still an awsome lookin stick

i was thinking the samething

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That "sickick" and those graphics seem very similar to something Warrior would offer.

I think it's the font that makes it Warrior esque- the Sickick sort of like the Royale font... Or maybe that's just me.

Regardless, I like how the stick looks. The 7V, eh?

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That "sickick" and those graphics seem very similar to something Warrior would offer.

I think it's the font that makes it Warrior esque- the Sickick sort of like the Royale font... Or maybe that's just me.

Regardless, I like how the stick looks. The 7V, eh?

7K there's just a part of the decal missing.

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That "sickick" and those graphics seem very similar to something Warrior would offer.

I think it's the font that makes it Warrior esque- the Sickick sort of like the Royale font... Or maybe that's just me.

Regardless, I like how the stick looks. The 7V, eh?

7K there's just a part of the decal missing.

Alright. Thanks.

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That "sickick" and those graphics seem very similar to something Warrior would offer.

I think it's the font that makes it Warrior esque- the Sickick sort of like the Royale font... Or maybe that's just me.

Regardless, I like how the stick looks. The 7V, eh?

7K there's just a part of the decal missing.

LOL that explains a lot!

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